ADCM Report


Last Saturday Dale and I attended our committee meeting.  It was a long day where a few agenda items were discussed.  And we had a mock preconference.  All members will have the opportunity to join the preconference virtually via zoom.  This means we can choose which one best suits our schedule to attend.  Join one ….join all!!! In the past member’s would attend according to geographic location.  So this is exciting.  There are many items that our delegate, Rainer, wants our input on.  If you haven’t attended a preconference before, this is a great opportunity.  There are agenda items that are available on the website that will be discussed during these zoom pre conference meetings!! 

I have also been working with Growth and Maintenance Committee on two different sub committees: P3 manual and area inventory.   With the P3, I have been appointed chair person, and we are documenting a process for updating our P3 manual so it is available, and the next person knows how to do it and it can be passed along smoothly.  Funny thing about AA positions that I have been in is it usually takes me a year to figure out what is going on, then my term is almost up!!! Fake it till you make it, right!!!!!! The committees hope is that this will be available so those will me more comfortable in their role sooner and have all the info they need at the touch of a button.  My hope is we can have this type of process available at the district level soon, while we have Scott as our WEB MASTER!!!  I have also been working with Dale on the area inventory, where most of the work had already been done.  I did attend 2 meetings where we worked on editing our inventory questions.  

  I have also been working with our area registrar to get everyone updated.  Our newest GSR, Margaret, along with Annette, and Ike have all been successfully updated.  For some reason, Ellen’s information did not show up.  I asked the registrar to send virtual kits to all 4 of you.  I hope you have received them.  The registrar hopes GSR will not be delayed too much longer so you all can get your hard copies.  I also requested a workbook for our new Treatment coordinator.  That item has been acknowledged by GSO so hopefully Teri will receive it soon.

Thanks to everyone for all you do in helping the still suffering alcoholic find his/her way to the rooms of AA!



Webmaster Report 03132021


Committees Agenda Items 71st General Service Conference