Treatment Committee Report
May 8, 2021
We had a very productive month making announcements at various groups regarding BTG. The packets that Janet compiled we given to the AA members who showed an enthusiastic interest in volunteering for this important 12 step service.
We communicated several times by phone and face to face to plan the steps we needed to be prepared to launch BTG. We attended the Fellowship, Big Town, Cedar Mountain, Hendersonville, and Early Birds groups at which time announcements were made and volunteers gave their contact information.
I have a list of volunteers who will be on our Treatment Committee in preparation to meet with staff members at Pardee Hospital and Advent Hospital. Each will receive a Treatment Committee Workbook. I plan to have this meeting sometime during the 3rd week of this month. Please keep in mind the importance of keeping me informed of any needs that we as Treatment Committee can be of service. If you are already participating in dealing with re opening of meetings please let know. All service is appreciated and communication with the members of the Treatment Committee is greatly appreciated.
I am compiling a list of inpatient and outpatient treatment centers and hospitals in District 71 that do not have detox units. I have asked Linda Jo CPC Chairperson in setting up information visits starting with Pardee Hospital. We will also contact the AA members who volunteer on the Transylvania Hot Line to ascertain interest in joining BTG. We have an AA member who has agreed to be on the Treatment Team as a representative for Rutherford County…Forest City. I am submitting a budget today for March 1st through December 31st.
Respectfully Submitted,
Terry G. Treatment Committee Chairperson
Janet M. Bridging the Gap Coordinator/