District 71 Business Meeting

                                                                    May 11, 2024, 9:30 AM

Open: Serenity Prayer

In Attendance:

Alan                                                                 David

Suzanne                                                          Edie

Adam                                                               Elizabeth

Charlie                                                             Mike

Bob                                                                Laura

Dale                                                                Ellen

Linda Jo                                                         Stephanie

DCM Report: Alan

Role of the GSR:

The GSR is the link between the group and “AA as a whole”. This link becomes a channel.

through which news, information, opinions, and ideas can flow back and forth. Importantly, this

also gives the group a voice in the affairs of the Fellowship. The GSR is that voice.

~P.7 “The A.A. Service Manual”

Voters need to sit with your District for your vote to count.

Dale L. (Alt DCM) and I attended the Tri-District Service Rally Ashville on 5/4/24. I provided a

presentation on the GSR and Dale provided a presentation on Bridging the Gap and told her


Dale and I attended the Growth & Maintenance (GM) on May 7 th . The agenda included:

 ADA requirements

 Zoom or online translation platforms.

 Smartphone apps

 Hearing assistive devices

 P3 Manual update

Accessibilities Checklist: ( form given out for groups to fill out assessing the ADA accessibility) send them to Central office to be updated on the meeting guides.

The May Beaming Beacon is available. Also available on The Area 51 Website in the Delegates

Corner tab.

Area 51 has group contributions, along with ‘new’ group ID numbers in the Area 51

Website & information for members & group contributions.

Updating the District 71 meeting list for correct contact information and correct meeting times to give to Central office to update the meeting guides.

 Transylvania County is complete.

 Two more meetings in Polk County to update the contact list.

 Need help with Henderson County. Discussed, GSRs to do their own groups and send to Alan. Alan will send out lists where information is need and will review at next meeting.

 Rutherford County

ADCM: Dale

Provided an update on the Henderson County Adult Recovery Court (drug court). Attended their staff meeting to represent District 71 CPC to see how AA can serve as a resource for the alcoholic participant. She is working with Dan, the Program Planner to set up a meeting to present CPC information. She also sees a place for Bridging the Gap volunteer during the first 2 weeks of getting participants introduced to AA. She is looking for volunteers’ for the Bridging the Gap portion as well as the CPC portion. The Hope Coalition is looking for a young person to start a young peoples meeting at their facility.

Secretary: Stephanie

Motion made to accept minutes, 2nd, passed.

Treasurer: David

Report posted to website. Discussed the pre-Conference budget deficit , to move the deficit to the DCM/ADCM balance. Motion was made to accept, was 2nd and passed. Also, discussed moving $100.00 from the IT balance to events for the upcoming 2 months of events being held. A motion was made, 2nd and passed. Motion made to make $1000.00 donations each to GSO and Area 51. The motion was 2nd and passed.

Web Administer: Valerie

Absent. Proposal to migrate our website from Square space to Word press to be discussed at next meeting.

CO Trustee: Mike

The board meeting will be moving down the hall to a larger room.


Corrections: Laura

There will be an orientation at the jail for all who take meetings there this month.

Events: Ellen

The Service rally was a success and the poll results were all positive a 5 on a 1-5 scale, except a 3 was given to if anyone would volunteer to do service work for their respective districts. A need for 1 more portable grill for the Founder’s Day event.

Treatment: Mary Jo absent

CPC,PI vacant

Grapevine: Valerie, absent

GSR’S report: None

Old Business:

Volunteers need for the Spring Assembly for greets and time keepers.

New Business:

1.Proposal to migrate website from Square Space to Word press

2. Review District 7 meeting list

Closed with the Responsibility Prayer

Next meeting: June 8 2024, at 9:30














April 2024 Treasurer’s Report


Web Administrator Report