Web Administrator

Good Morning to Everyone:

First I must apologize for not being at the meeting.  I had to meet with a contractor for some work on my house.

I have been updating the website with the new changes that have been coming through. There are plenty of new events posted.  The pre-Conference both in person and Virtual, the Service rally in both English and Spanish and many more.  I especially would like to point out that the announcement for the increase to the Grapevine has been posted and will take effect on April 15th.

Here are the analytics for the past month:

We had 219 visits to the website, 196 unique visitors (people who know us), and 375 page views (people who may need us in the future).  This is down 43% from last month.  We had a very interesting mix of people viewing our pages this month.  208 from the United States, 4 from Macedonia (Alexander the Great County), 3 from France, 2 from Germany, 1 each from Columbia and the United Kingdom. 

I am still putting together the anonymous emails for the district and will want to sit down with each committee chair and district officer to help them access them.


District 71 Business Meeting


February 2024 Treasurers Report