April 8 Business Meeting minutes

                                                               District 71 Business Meeting 

                                                                April 8, 2023, 8:30 AM 


In Attendance: 



Valerie Linda Jo 






DCM Report: Liz 

It has been very busy couple of weeks. Our area delegate has been traveling all over the state since mid March for our annual preconference's. Several of us traveled to Charlotte for the preconference and an additional 2 members for our district as well. I encourage all GSR’s to inform your groups about the items discussed at the last meeting. There is a wealth of information and background available on our area website. Log into aanorthcarolina.org : username :71; password: eastdoesit; and go to the members information. Then go to the delegates corner for all the information you need to know about. The agenda items are broken up into many sections. The first 6 pages of the 1000+page document have links you want to read about. On Wednesday, April 12 at 7PM, I will have a zoom meeting and will show how to find everything. Zoom number: 839-9989-177; passcode 71. Of note, the plain and simple language of the Big Book, which will consist of plain language on 1 side and the original text on the opposite side, was approved. There is a 20 minute video explaining this translation on the delegate’s corner as well. The virtual pre-conference's are March 13,2023 6pm-8pm and April 16,2023 2pm-4pm. Zoom info: Meeting ID: 656 316 7536, Passcode 924686. 

Alternate DCM: Annette 

Nothing new to report 

Secretary: Stephanie 

A motion not to read the report and accept the March 11, 2023, minutes to be accepted, motion seconded and passed unanimously. 

Treasurer: David 

In March there were $749.00 in donations, and $375.00 in expenses. Distributions to GSO and the area were made. The March balance is $38826.80. Posted on the website. 

Web Administer: Valerie 

There are a few meeting changes and events that were added to the website. Hendersonville Group will be starting a Young People’s meeting starting the first Sunday in May at 6pm. Some General Service page items were added. Bookmarks from the CPI were uploaded. 

CO Trustee: Mike absent 

Service Committee Chairs Report: 

CPC: Open position 

CPC: Open position 

PI: Open position 

Treatment: Open position 

Bridging The Gap: Open position 

Corrections: Terry absent, no report 

Events: Ellen 

Absent. A zoom meeting was held regarding The Founder’s Day picnic at Holmes State Park, June 10th 12-4pm. Hamburgers and Hot dogs will be provided by the district, everyone is encouraged to bring a side dish or dessert. A service table will be provided with service information. 


Grapevine: Sally   

Nothing new to report. 

GSR Reports:  

Linda Jo: Big Town Group. May zoom meeting cancelled and the Thursday Zoom meeting material will be    on the Daily Reflections. Updated on the website. 

Old Business: 

Bookmarks with QR codes: Liz received an estimate from UPS that they would cost $147.00/500 on heavy card stock and $102.00 for lessor thickness. Valerie offered to do the printing herself on her printer. A discussion was held, and it was decided to obtain other estimates from Staples and/or Office Max. A motion to further the discussion at the next meeting was placed, seconded and approved.  

New Business: 

A discussion to not have a business meeting in June due to the Founder’s Day picnic or meet on Zoom was held. A motion to skip the meeting was made, it was seconded and passed. A reminder of the last Pre-conference is April 16th from 2-4pm. The June 2-4 assembly registration deadline is April 25 

Closed with the Responsibility Prayer 

Next Meeting: Saturday May 12, 2023 at 8:30am. 








April 2023 Treasurer’s Report


Web Administrator