D-71 DCM Report, GSR Meeting, 4/10/21 @ 9:30 AM
Warmest greetings to you all: Officers, Committee Chairs, GSRs, Alt. GSRs, guests…
While I am still waiting for confirmation, It is my hope that this am will be our last virtual meeting and that we can finally begin to meet in person next month at St. John’s. You will get the announcement as soon as I know!! We will not cancel our Zoom Space as we have learned what a valuable option it serves for meetings, workshops and especially as aspace for our committee chairs to use for planning meetings etc.
This has been a “forced” quiet month for me as I am now 2 weeks post-op, a total right hip replacement. Much of these 2 weeks have been spent in ”LaLa Land” but I am happy to report that I am off the opiates and getting decent pain relief from Tylenol and PT exercises. My goal next week is driving to Starbucks and to Big Town Tuesday night!!
Hopefully you have attended some of the pre-conferences. I look forward to hearing your comments during your GSR reports this am. Being otherwise occupied, I have not attended any but will attend the literature sections this afternoon. Times and topics remain posted on our website for this weekend’s schedule along with the log-in info.
On Sunday, May 2nd I will be co-hosting a CPC-PI Area wide Workshop from 2-4 PM. This is geared toward all CPC-PI Chairs at the district and group levels plus any AA members interested in this service. A flyer with all the details will be posted next week on our website. I would love to have your support and participation so please add 5/2 to your calendars.
Waiting until the last minute possible, our Area Chair, Denise, finally decided that our Spring Assembly will be Virtual. Info will be posted on our website. However as we move forward we are looking at a summer live committee meeting in Charlotte and a live fall assembly in Lake Junaluska. Fingers crossed!!
That’s all I have for now!
With AA love, service and prayers,
Respectfully Submitted,
Dale L., DCM D-71