DCM Report

Greetings District 71!!!


I had a very uneventful month.  Got COVID and stayed out of work and meetings for 10 days!!!  I worked on some bids for the site investigation subcommittee I am assigned too and worked to get information to our web administrator and other members about upcoming events.  I did not attend the zoom meeting that Speedbump group had where our delegate, Rainer, spoke but I hear it was a great meeting!!! I’m sure we will hear more from Ellen about this.  I did receive an email from our Delegate about the General Service Conference that I will forward along to all on our mailing list.  He did say most items were tabled till next year’s Conference.  I am attaching the Agenda Items for GSR’s to take to home groups. I would like to hear back at next meeting about the items so I can represent our district’s group conscious.   We have our Assembly in Charlotte the weekend of June 17th!!  I hope everyone can attend.  We will also be completing the Area Inventory during this Assembly and there is still time to submit on the area website!  The deadline is May 19th.  Feel free to contact me if you need any help navigating the area website. 

            We have many events coming up.  I hope everyone received my emails a few weeks back concerning them and spread the word!!!  Our local Founder’s Day event is on Mountain Doins and on our website. Also please help us fill all the open positions.  Group members please announce at the meetings you attend.  The description of each position is on our website.  I would love to help orient anyone to any role and there are many members that can share their experience that will be more than willing to help.   I have found over the years that service is what brings me joy and enables my life to be full.  Don H. (Treatment Coordinator)  always says that the happiest members are the ones doing service!!!!  We are currently still in need of an Alt. DCM, PI, Grapevine, and now Corrections rep. 

I would like to begin working with coordinators to help get the message out and offer district services to all those that may need our services.  We have many opportunities for treatment, corrections, and CPC/PI in our district.  Please reach out and I would love to assist.  Look forward to seeing you all Saturday on Zoom.


Liz G. DCM 71


Agenda May 14th


April 9 minutes