DCM REPORT – JULY 9th 2022
Hello! Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. I attended the area Assembly along with Annette (Big Town Group/new ADCM), Mary Jo L. (Hendersonville Group) and Ellen O (Cedar Mtn Grp / Events co-chair). This was the smallest group from our district that I have ever seen at aa area assembly. I have only been attending since 2014 and it made me wonder if there is a reason for the small amount attending. I hope there are not any barriers (other than COVID) keeping GSR’s and other members from attending. There is a unity fund available if group funds are an issue. Please reach out and let me know if any GSR’s need assistance at the next assembly. I will do my best to send more reminders out and get to more meetings to announce upcoming assemblies! I have communicated through email and through the district website mainly. I hope to get out across the district and visit as many groups as possible between now and our fall assembly and hope to get more people interested in service and the importance of GSR’s representing their groups at district and Area meetings/assemblies. Maybe we should consider putting on a service workshop soon. I thought about asking a few people from the area to give a presentation on how AA operates using upside down triangle and give presentations on What is a GSR and their role. Also explain what our area delegate does and what the yearly general service conference is. All this information can go on our website General Service page possibly too. We could also set up tables with information on Corrections, Treatment, Bridging the Gap, CPC/PI and Grapevine!!! Anyhow I am just brainstorming and wanted to know what everyone thinks about this idea. We could even have reoccurring workshops on zoom if needed.
Saturday at the assembly was a full day. We all sat together and voted on the agenda items. All items passed except having a post conference. We heard many reports and our Delegate, Rainer gave his report post NY “Big meeting”. I have attached his report and all that took place at the General Service Conference. He said there were less floor actions and speedy decisions, unlike the year prior. Please read everything attached and get this information to the members of your group. Make them available to them I will also ask Valerie (web administrator) to post them on our website. Our area Treasurer brought back information on how a group can set up a bank account. If any group would like this information, please let me know and I will send it along. Ellen O. sent me a summary of the assembly agenda items that I am pasting in right below:
n addition to Rainer's delegate report, here are the items that required a vote and the results of that vote:
1. The Area 51 2019-2020 Budget Surplus of $6,249 be allocated to the Area 51 Archivist for purchase of fireproof cabinetry for Area Archives. This motion passed with substantial unanimity.
2. That the standing "Website Committee" be able to revise their internal structure, policies and procedures to match how the subcommittee feels they can best function. Any policy changes that affect what information is visible or available in various sections of the website will first be vetted and approved by the Area Committee. Any changes will be reported to the membership and documented in the Website Subcommittee policies and procedures documents. This motion passed with substantial unanimity.
3. In order to promote an informed group conscience, the Delegate and Alternate Delegate will be able to attend any and all preconferences held in Area 51, whether in person or virtual. This is to discuss General Service agenda items, when hosted by Districts in the various regions of Area 51. (There are three regions in Area 51: Coastal, Piedmont and Mountain. These regions each hosted preconferences. The Spanish region also hosted a preconference.) This motion passed with substantial unanimity. Currently, the Delegate and Alternate Delegate are already funded to attend four in-person preconferences.
4. In order to promote an informed Fellowship, the Delegate and Alternate Delegate attend post-Conference events annually to discuss the actions and procedures of the General Service Conference. These events would be hosted by the Districts in the Western (Mountain), Central (Coastal) and Eastern (Piedmont) Regions of Area 51 and by the Spanish Linguistic Districts (Spanish region). Additional virtual events may also be scheduled. This motion failed with substantial unanimity. Arguments against it were that there was not enough time to plan these events or for delegates to fit these events into their schedules. That it was too expensive for districts to host these events and for people to attend. That this was telling the districts what they were to do. That this tied the hands of future delegates and that this burden of additional work and travel might cause some otherwise highly qualified individuals to not stand for the position of delegate.
5. To approve the Chair's appointment of Lizzie T. of Durham as the Area 51 Convention Alternate Chair for the period 2023-2024. Passed with substantial unanimity.
We also had an area inventory and the Growth and Maintenance is compiling all the information from the inventory and I hope to report more on that soon. Going through this process and seeing the lack of support made me consider proposing our district have an inventory soon. Please lets vote on this as “new Business”.
Ellen also sent me information about virtual meetings and forming a district of virtual meetings and what that would look like. I am hoping she will share some on this. I have noticed that Valerie has done some great work on the website it was great seeing a few pictures from the Founder’s Day event that was such a huge success. We also had 124 dollars in donations from this event!! Next up is our Movie night and I know our event coordinators have much to report on. I am leaving for Raleigh tomorrow for the NC State Convention and our ADCM (Annette) is already there and cannot attend this meeting ( she is on committee for state convention) , so I am going to try to log in at the hotel. If there is a problem with the internet connection my hope is someone will lead the meeting and read this report!!! Thanks for all you all do to be of service. I cannot imagine life without this lifesaving program.
General Service Conference Considerations
General Service Conference Advisory Actions