DCM Report, D-71 GSR Meeting, 3/13/21 @ 9/30 AM

Greetings to you all! I, for one, am finally feeling a bit encouraged. It looks like COVID-19 numbers are going down while those receiving vaccinations are rapidly increasing. I am happy to report that I have received both shots. Though I am beginning to see a glimmer of light, we will still meet virtually. I have reached out to Father Josh at St. John’s for any updates on opening for meetings. Hopefully I will have some news when we meet on Saturday. So, for now here is our Zoom space login information.

ID# 839 998 9177, PW 71

It’s been a busy month since we last met. On 2/16 I met with Keith, our area advisor and Scott H, my co-chair. We set the agenda for the Growth and Maintenance Committee (G&M) monthly meeting. To date we have been charged with 7 initiatives. We met with the whole team on 2/20. At this meeting each new initiative was assigned a team leader who is responsible to put together their own support team. Initial action items were developed to get started with due dates. Existing Initiatives are progressing well. Mine is the Area Inventory. We have met twice and have developed our question format. We each took one of the 4 question categories, came together and tweaked all the questions. I am now ready to complete the draft to share with the G&M committee. With their approval it goes to our Area Chair for final approval. The plan is to distribute the inventory questions at our Spring Assembly. To date I have joined in on all the initiative planning meetings, as committee chair, to be as informed as I can. Though a bit daunting, it’s a very exciting committee of which to be a part.

On 2/23, I had the honor of speaking at Sisters of Sobriety zoom meeting. A highlight for me was seeing Margaret there and finding out that she is their new GSR. I’m thrilled to welcome Margaret!!

Our CPC presentation for the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, with everyone healthy, happened on 2/27. This presentation format was a first for me and I confess to being a bit nervous. My slot to speak was the usual place reserved for the Pastor. There were about 100 of the church congregation present while the remaining hundreds watched the live stream from home. With full respect for our traditions of anonymity, I was not televised but those hearing me from home saw the 12 steps on the screen as I took them all through my journey through the steps. I have had several conversations with Pastor Blake since then and reports from him and texts and emails assure us that the presentation, AA presence (LJ, Kathy and Chris) and a table filled with literature was indeed well received. One such email came via our website to me from the DCM of D-05, Southern California. A parent of a Fletcher Adventist Academy Student and a former College classmate sent a link of the service to this DCM. He was quite blown away and inspired to share our CPC presentation with his district and his area. An example of how Powerful our work can be as we never know how for and wide and to whom we might reach to carry the message.

Last weekend Liz and I attended our Area Committee meting. This is when the Area officers, all the service coordinators and the DCMs and Alt DCM.s gather to plan the the next Assembly including Agenda Items, service committee meetings, workshops and more. AT this meeting a primary focus was the Pre-Conference. I know Liz has covered the pre-Conference in her report. At this point I will wait till new business for more details, questions, comments or concerns.

There were reports from all the Officers and Coordinators, the committee chairs and the State Convention Chair. We will receive a digital report and the Committee minutes to better report to you all next month.

Meanwhile, The Area Treasurer”s report is worth mentioning to you now. He reported a $6,249.00 surplus. It is up to the fellowship to suggest ways to use this surplus keeping in mind our primary purpose. I’ll cover this in more detail under new business.

I know there is that special someone out there, qualified and ready to jump into a very rewarding, satisfying service position…D-71 Treasurer! Please help us find this special someone. I am sure Buzz will be the most grateful of all, as he in in his 3rd month of overtime!!

Looking forward to seeing all of you Saturday am, 9:30 sharp, Hollywood Squares Style.

Respectfully submitted,

With AA Love an Prayers,

Dale L. DCM, D-71


Committees Agenda Items 71st General Service Conference


D-71 GSR Meeting Agenda, Saturday, 3/13/21 @ 9:30 AM