District 71 Business Meeting

                                                   District 71 Business Meeting

                                                    August 12, 2023, 8:30 AM



Open: Serenity Prayer


In Attendance:

Liz G                                                                                      Annette K.

Alan                                                                                      Adam K.

Linda Jo                                                                                 Terry G.

Stephanie                                                                             Susan M.

Ian                                                                                       Julie

Sally H.


DCM Report: Liz

Nothing new to report. Liz is working on the Site Investigation Committee looking in Area 51 for future sites for assemblies.

ACDM: Annette

The convention was a success with 1178 attendees including many from different states as well as from the eastern part of the state. The speakers were great. An after-convention meeting discussed the issue of accessibility, which was a problem. Next year’s convention will be in Raleigh.

Secretary: Stephanie

Motion to accept last month’s report without reading was made, seconded, and passed.

Treasurer: David

July’s expenses for rent were paid through September. There was $840 in donations, with a remaining balance of $4350.57. There were 3 checks received in June that were lost and would like feedback from the groups if any checks have not been deposited and to remind everyone the correct address to send donations is:

PO box 202

Hendersonville, NC 28793

All will be posted on the website.

Motion to accept report was made, seconded, and passed.

Web Administers Report: Valerie

Traffic for this month was down 42%. The analytics were posted on the web.

CO Trustee: Mike


Service Committee Chairs Report:

CPC/PI: vacant, Linda Jo, former chair, is on the Tri-district committee which is hosting a service rally workshop in Spring 2024. An email was sent to district chairs to attend 1 of 2 zoom meetings to be held August 27,2023 for information. She has received 3 RSVP’S and please contact her if interested in attending the meeting.

Treatment, Bridging the Gap open positions.

Corrections: Terry

Planning Corrections Assembly underway, to be held Charlotte, NC Nov 2024. Corrections workshop, tri-district, to be held Oct.7, 2023, 9-3 in Maggie Valley and is looking for volunteers.

Events: Ellen absent

Grapevine: Sally

Grapevine is working on developing an app and already has a podcast.

GSR Reports:

Jo: Happy Hour Group, no report

Alan: Cedar Mountain: Saw an increase in attendance.

Linda Jo: Big Town Group: They are no longer having Zoom meetings, change posted on website.

Old Business:

Liz requested an Ad Hoc committee to research guidelines for district meetings on voting, whether to establish a quorum before each meeting, GSR information kits, and Robert’s rules. A motion was made to form the committee, was seconded and passed. Liz asked for volunteers to meet with her on Zoom to discuss and will send an email to all those who volunteered to select a convenient time to meet.

Liz has not received a response from Pardee regarding giving resources to discharge planners and will send an email to multiple people at detox and would like to fill the vacant Treatment and Bridging the Gap to help with this and encouraged everyone to take this information back to their groups and asking for volunteers from groups to compile a list of treatment centers in the area.

New Business:

Ian presented a project proposal on Preservation of Core AA Literature. He would like the district’s support so he can send it to our delegate for the next GSO meeting in New York next spring, and hopefully to be put on the agenda.  A 2/3 quorum of 5 is needed. A vote was held and passed with 1 dissent.

Close with the Responsibility Statement

Next meeting: September 9, 2023 at 8:30 AM.














Web Administator


July 2023 Treasurer’s Report