District 71 Business Meeting
November 11, 2023
Open: Serenity Prayer
In Attendance:
DCM Report: Liz
Liz went to a detox meeting at Pardee to bring information on AA and to discuss what items Pardee had and needed. They need Spanish books and would like copies of the Grapevine. She will bring Grapevines from the district to share.
All the assembly and all the items on the agenda were passed. All meetings with GSR’s have GSO numbers that are posted online for donations. She will post other information from the assembly with pertinent links.
ADCM: absent
Secretary: Stephanie
I was absent from the last meeting and there were no notes taken.
Treasurer: David
In October there were $86.20 in donations, $598 in expenses with a balance of $4798.76. Posted on the website.
Web Administer: Valerie
Absent and report posted on the website.
Central Office: Absent
Corrections: Terry
The corrections workshop went well and was very well attended.
BTG, Treatment, CPC PI: vacant positions
Grapevine: Sally absent
Events: Ellen
No new report and is working on the Tri-State workshop.
GSR reports:
Hendersonville Group Alcathon Thanksgiving. Flyer handed out.
Old Business: none
New Business:
1. Liz will get Spanish Literature for Pardee for detox.
2. A link on the website for GSR virtual kit was approved.
3. Liz will get a total for paper and ink used for reimbursement for the next meeting.
4. $250.00 was approved for next years’ service rally.
5. Motion to get workbooks for correction, Bridging the Gap and treatment for next month’s elections. 2nd and approved.
6. Motion to research cost for 2 microphones,2 speakers and microphone stand for the district. 2nd and approved.
7.Motion to move district meetings back to 9:30AM instead of 8:30. Discussed bringing the issue up at home groups business meetings to try to encourage more GSR attendance.
Motion to close the meeting.
Closed with the Responsibility Prayer.
Next Meeting December 9, 2023 at 8:30 AM. With elections for open positions.