District 71 Business Meeting
District 71 Business Meeting
December 9, 2023
Open: Serenity Prayer
In Attendance:
Ellen O. Alan L.
Laura M. Liz
Annette Brian G.
Valerie V. Edie D.
Mary Jo L. Sally H.
Suzanne F. Stephanie G.
DCM Report: Liz
Liz will be posting her report on the website with information and links to pertinent information. She asked for prayers for Terry G., who is ill.
ADCM: Annette
She will be rotating out and has nothing new to report.
Secretary: Stephanie
Motion to accept minutes without reading mad, was seconded, and passed.
Treasurer: David absent
Web Administer: Valerie
She will be posting her report on the website.
CO Trustee: absent
Corrections: Terry absent
Events: Ellen
Working on the Tri-service rally to be held May 4, 2024, and flyers were distributed.
Grapevine: Sally
Nothing new to report
GSR’S Report
Alan- Cedar Mountain group holding steady.
Joy of Living, 2nd meeting on Tuesday nights 6-7 with the 4th Tuesday of the month having dinner prior.
Hendersonville Group will be hosting Alcathons X-mas Eve, Xmas day, New Years eve and New Years day. All open meetings and everyone can attend.
Tuesday night Men’s meeting 6PM St, John’s attendance is up as well as the Early Bird meetings on M,W,Sat 7:30 PM. The Tuesday meeting will be hosting an open house Dec. 19 and is open to all with potluck.
Old Business:
1. Spanish literature was purchased by Liz and distributed to detox as well as some Grapevines.
2. Time change to 9:30 AM : a motion to accept the time change was made, was 2nd and approved.
3. Terry was researching prices for microphones and speakers but due to her health issues has not been able to. Mary Jo volunteered to do research for prices.
4. Elections were held and voted on for the following:
2 Year Terms- DCM: Alan
ADCM: vacant
Web Administrator: Olivia M.
Events: Ellen
Corrections: Laura
Grapevine: Vacant
Odd Year Terms: 1 year left with CPC, PI and Bridging the Gap all remain vacant.
Treatment: Mary Jo
Secretary and Treasurer have 1 year remaining.
New Business:
The Zoom renewal account is due and was tabled to the next meeting.
Dale L. discussed having a Safety Meeting to be held. She located 2 people from the Raleigh area, Jerry and Madelene, that have presented these meetings there and are available to present here at the Hendersonville Group on a Saturday in January. It was voted on, and accepted to have this event on January 27, 2024, 3PM-4PM. A motion to allocate $400.00 from this year’s budget for their hotel, food and transportation was made. It was 2nd and passed.
Motion to close the meeting.
Closed with the Responsibility Prayer.
Next meeting: January 13, 2024, at 9:30 AM.