District 71 Business Meeting Minutes March 11, 2023



In Attendance:




Mary Jo











DCM Report:  Liz

Liz and Annette attended the winter committee meeting, and our delegate will review the information and will hold pre-conferences in Eastern, Central and Western NC along with a Spanish pre-conference and 2 virtual sessions. This will enable her to get a feel for NC AA’s group conscious, so she is able to represent us at the conference in New York. The items she wants to discuss at pre-conference will be posted on the website in a protected area. Our Western pre-conference is April 1st from 12-4 in Charlotte. All of the information is posted on the website. Area 51 website: AANorthcarolina.org; username 71, passcode: easy does it. Many flyers handed out, pre-conference, North Carolina State Convention, Area 51 Western Pre-Conference, Area 51 Spring Committee and Assembly Meeting and Virtual Pre-Conference. All GSR’s encouraged to sign-up and reserve for the Area 51 Spring Committee Meeting. Liz will be meeting in the parking lot of Hendersonville Group, Willow Rd at 9AM to caravan to the pre-conference meeting in Charlotte April 1st.




Alternate DCM: Annette

There has been an increase in literature cost effective April 3, and any books purchased prior to   this date should not reflect the new price. Increase for books 20% and Pamphlets 30%. Plain language Big books with be discussed at the NY conference with original text or 1 page opposite page plain language for those who read at a lower grade level. It does take 2/3 of worldwide membership to make changes to the first 164 pages. The International Convention held every 5 years will be in Vancouver this year and flyers will be available soon. New address for Area contributions:  NC General Service Committee, PO Box 17271, Raleigh, NC 27619.

Secretary: Stephanie

Motion that the minutes from February 11th meeting to be accepted without reading them, motion seconded and passed.

Treasurer: David

February expenses $394.63 with $180.00 deposited. Beginning balance: $5846.00 with $5451.76 left.

Prudent reserve $2000.00

Motion to approve report, seconded and passed. Full  report posted on the website.

Web Administer: Valerie

There were a total of 938 views from Feb.-March. Top views were 270 for meetings and 74 for the district. Full report posted on the website.


Absent, no report.

Service Committee Chairs Report:

CPC: open position : Linda Jo recapped her time in this position. A tri district committee was formed by Central office for area 80,71,70 that met every other week. They had a working budget of $9800.00 that was used for private libraries, local out reach, the adopt-a-doc program and flyers and  literature, public radio and TV spots during the holidays and business cards. Bookmarks with QR codes for treatment facilities, correction with meeting guides.

PI: open position

PI: open position

Treatment: open position

Corrections: Terry/Laura

Laura read her and Terry's report. Posted on website.



Events: Ellen

Founder’ s Day picnic to be held Saturday June 10, 2023 ,12-4 at Holmes Educational Forest. Flyers passed out. She needs volunteers to bring barbecue’ for cooking. There will be local musicians to play. Planning a Unity Brunch with district 70 to be held in West Asheville.

Grapevine: Sally

Sally will be gone for the summer and is still exploring her position.

GSR Reports:

Joy of Living Women’s group is holding a potluck last Tuesday of the every month. Hendersonville Group will be discussing having a young people’s meeting at their next business meeting.

Old Business:

1.       Discussed changing the business meeting time as to not conflict with regular meetings so all GSR’s can attend. The only non-conflicting time was Saturday 8:30 am or Saturday 2PM. A motion to meet at 8:30 on Saturday, seconded and passed, starting next meeting April 8, 2023. Time change will be updated on the website.

2.       David recommended that the $2000.00 in prudent reserve to be split for contribution to GSO and the area at $1000.00 apiece. A motion to oppose the GSO contribution due to the Board chairperson resignation until a new person is elected. Topic debated and a revote was conducted with the majority in favor of giving the $1000.00 to GSO  and was passed.

3.       Liz volunteered us to bring dessert and water to the preconference and 5 desserts will be bought along with the water and 1 person volunteered to bake a dessert.

4.       A private google workspace was worked out and Liz will be moving contacts to the private google work group.

5.       Ken W. from Fellowship group was inquiring about funding for his Navalco Step study program. Annette researched the Navalco Method and spoke with 2 delegates and 2 members who know what AA is and what is not AAS. This method is not AA worldwide service approved and id not AA approved, therefor no AA money will be allocated.

New Business:

1.       Annette would like an inventory request from GSR’s for any literature and material they need  prior to the price increase.

2.       Multiple flyers distributed.

3.       Bring ideas to next meeting for bookmarks


Closed with the Responsibility Prayer at 10:45AM

Next meeting: Saturday April 8, 2023 8:30 AM.











March 2023 Treasurer’s Report


Web Administrator