District 71 Business Meeting MinutesFebruary 12, 2023

District 71 Business Meeting 

February 11, 2023, 9:30 AM EST 


In Attendance: 




Mary Jo 




Linda Jo 

Ken W. 

Alan L. 

Ross H. 

L.J. Stevers 




Morning prayer at 9:30 am at Hendersonville Group Willow Rd. Agena report post on Website. Preconference, April 1 as hosting district, signed us up for desserts and water. Further discussion regarding sign-up, etc. to be determined at a later date. GSO provided an update regarding the resignation of the board chair. An interim chair has been appointed and the nominating committee is in the process for a new board chair. All information regarding this can be found on the website. Announcement of Dave C. of Stanford, NC has passed away. He was a huge presence in AA and had met Dr. Bob, gave motivating speeches and will be missed. 

Alternate DCM Annette: 

Reiterated Dave C.’s passing. 

Secretary: Stephanie 

Motion that the minutes from January 14th meeting to be accepted without reading them. Motion seconded and passed. 


Treasurer Report: David 

In January, $225.866 was paid out for past events. Income was $1763.33 and the remaining balance is $5846.39. January’s report is posted on the website. St. John's balance will be paid this month. 


Web Administer Report: Valerie 

Valerie is absent due to illness; her report is posted on the website. 


CO Trustee: Mike: 

Absent, no report. 


Service Committee Chairs Report: 

CPC: open position 

PI: open position 

Treatment: open position 

Bridging The Gap: open position 

Corrections: Terry 

Laura M. is the new co-chair for corrections. Her job is to assist with members who want to volunteer at the jail. She also is the contact person to Lt. Bradley at the Hendersonville jail. The comprehensive report is posted on the website. 

Events: Ellen 

Founder’s Day, June 10th, 12-4 PM, will be held at Holme’s Education Pavillion located off Crab Creek Rd. Further information forthcoming. She needs volunteers for a speaker and music. 


Grapevine: Sally  

Absent, no report. 


GSR Reports: 

There were no new reports from the home groups. 


Old Business: 

  1. Finished the budget that was tabled from the last meeting. The treasurer recommended that any expenditure's under $100.00 does not need prior approval and those over $100.00 will need prior approval. All will need to be accompanied by receipts. A motion to accept these recommendations was seconded and approved. A discussion on money not to be sent to GSO and the area , and to keep the money in the district was had. A motion to not send district money to GSO and area was put forward, seconded and approved. Quarterly disbursements was tabled to the next meeting, awaiting treasurer's recommendations. The 2023 budget is posted on the website. 

  1. Changing the district meeting time was tabled to the next meeting for everyone to review all area meetings and come up with an appropriate time to meet so to not conflict with other meetings. 

New Business: 

  1. Google workspace instead of continuing to use mailchimp was discussed. A motion to primarily use google was put forth, seconded and approved. 

  1. Service rally workshop was discussed and to have service information tables at the Founders Day picnic was suggested and approved. Volunteers will meet on Zoom to discuss the set-up. 

  1. Liz is available to anyone who needs help with the website on Zoom. 

  1. $225.00 for District71 web domain was approved. 

  1. Ken W. from the Fellowship Group will be conducting a Step workshop using the Navalco program starting April 4, 6:15 -8 PM. Flyers were distributed. More discussion regarding the program tables to next meeting. 

  1. A suggestion for a district calendar for the district was tabled to the next meeting. 

  1. Pre-conference hosting district requested food and desserts were signed up for. 

  1. Flyers for the Western Pre-Conference Area 51 and the State Convention were distributed. 


Closed with the Responsibility Prayer at 10:40 AM. 

Next meeting: Saturday March 11, 2023, 9:30 AM Hendersonville Group. 





District 71 Corrections


2023 Approved Annual Budget