District 71, GSR Meeting, 6/12/2021 DCM Report

After 15 long months of meeting with you all “Hollywood Squares” style, it is such a treat to be with you in person. Don’t take this the wrong way as I am beyond grateful for technology, especially Zoom which gave us the ability to remain connected as a fellowship in so many ways. Our Home Group meetings continued to meet which led to the ability to meet around the country and for some of us even world wide. The virtual technology afforded AA the ability to conduct business from our District meetings to our more challenging Area Committee/Assembly meetings and finally the complicated intricacies of our General Service Conference and AA world Services. As I reflect on the past 15 months, one truth reigns above all else. We, recovering alcoholics, are survivors! AA has given us a template for life along with the tools with which to live. As a result, we as a fellowship have been able to “live” through this Pandemic. As we seem to be moving toward more normalcy and finally have the opportunity to meet in person, the gratitude I feel is overwhelming! Though we are moving from virtual space to face to face, I do not see us letting go of the technology tools that brought us through these crazy times. District 71 will keep our Zoom space.

At this point let’s pause for discussion. Let’s talk about moving forward. First, a little background…It was about a year ago when Fr. Josh (St. John’s new Pastor) began talking to me about hosting AA meetings. Also about bringing the district meeting to St Johns. My discussion of this move to St John’s began back then and is recorded in my DCM reports monthly. I am quite sure we voted on this but cannot find it recorded. Thus for our records we will vote on this, this am.

Lastly, before we begin discussion I must give a shout out to Scott A. our Webmaster. From the very beginning, Scott set us up with our Zoom account along with tutorials re: participating or hosting. He built our website followed by a host of tutorials. he has been my right arm with all things tech and I have been learning a whole new language…Zoom, Squarespace, Mailchimp, click here, click+, click gear, save, up arrow, down arrow and so on and so on…Please help me thank Scott!!

Now, open for discussion: For consideration.

1. District meetings at St. John’s monthly.

2. use of Zoom space.

3. consider Zoom option along with live District meeting. (Hybrid)


2021 Spring Assembly Report: Held via Zoom, 5/21-22.

Our weekend Assembly guest was Carolyn W. Non-trustee AAWS Director. Carolyn spoke first about her position as director, AAWS and the enormity of the scope and responsibilities of her trusted service. But, it was her personal story that touched all who listened to the core! Most touching of all was how she learned through 2 old-timers’ “tough love” about AA’s recovery, unity and service. I have been attending Assemblies since 2007. Carolyn’s Story in one I’ll never forget!

Treasurer: With expenses still down the Area continues to have a healthy balance. Please email treasurer @ AAnorthcarolina.org with ideas to use the excess funds of $6000++.

Budget & Finance: There was a donation of $11, 725 contributed to the Area by the International Women’s Conference. After much discussion, we voted to accept the funds. How to use these funds needs to be decided quickly to avoid being automatically sent to GSO. Send ideas to the treasurer

All of the service coordinators are gearing up to offer live workshops, speak at meetings and basically be available where needed throughout the area. Don’t hesitate to call on them. Also reported, treatment centers, prisons and jails are reopening soon which will allow for a lot of treatment and corrections work to resume.

Our Delegate, Rainer’s report from the GSC was lengthily and full of information. He attended 74 hours of Zoom meetings with 110 items on the agenda over 3.5 days. Check the Area Website for more detailed information on the conference. The most pertinent…our AA literature. New tools are on the way. 1. Conversion of Conference approved Literature to video…this was presented for order in which to convert. 2. 2 new PASs are in the works. Approved Podcasts for sharing info. Pamphlet being developed for Mental Health Professionals. Of note…33% of AA referrals come from the Mental Health Professional. Approval of 5th edition of The Big Book. 1st 164 pages to remain as they are however 40% approved reconsideration. Much discussion re: gender equity, religious language. Workbooks exists outside of our fellowship…consider an approved one.

Comments worth noting…Much change of literature is based on fear.IE: Big Book is a treasure map, not the treasure. move past sentimentality. What is the principal? Are we working based on fear? Are we inclusive? Are we worried people won’t come or existing leave because the message is too simple. Discussion will continue.

Grapevine-AA preamble…if time I’ll read the 6 floor actions… then the latest communication from the AA GV Board Chair, Josh Eggleston. Bottom line, in keeping with the final advisory action of the 71st GSC, the AA preamble revision replacing the words “men and women” with “people” will appear in the July issues of GV and La Vina. Both of these issues will be mailed/posted online on June 15, 2021. After 6/15 the language will change wherever the AA preamble appears.

Rainer left us with much to ponder! In keeping with the theme “AA in time of change” …1. being fulfilled with # of changes proposed and with the width of discussions. 2. Reimagine the technology tools at our hands. 3. Getting back to more normalcy but should not lose gains from our pains learned in the pandemic. 4. Find Balance, don’t neglect lessons in a blind rush to return to what we used to have.

I invite you all to go to our Area Website, members only. Go to 2021 Spring Assembly. 4 pdf’s were posted June 7th for everyone’s review. Beginning with Rainers full 14 page report from the 71st GSC, then 11 pages of advisory actions followed by GSC Considerations, 17 pages and finally 2 pages of non- advisory actions. If you only read Rainers report, you will be very well informed.

Work for Liz and and for me continues to occupy and challenge us with the demands of the Growth and Maintenance Sub-Committee, (G&M). Liz will have an update on this newest and clearly, the Area’s busiest Sub-committee.

On the 23rd of May, I facilitated a group inventory for Sisters of Sobriety. This is a service I am happy to offer any D-71 group or, if you are considering one I will come to your business meeting and explain the procedure, as we’l leaving enough sets of inventory questions

You will see under New Business, I have listed Workshops. It is my hope today that we set dates for 1 or 2 workshops and one Event, A Gratitude Dinner/Speaker meeting before this term comes to end.

I look forward to SEEING all of you in person Saturday morning at 9:30 at St. John’s. I hope everyone received the meeting reminder we sent last Monday via mail chimp. I attached Fr. Josh’s welcome letter and the list of the Churches returning to Face to Face meetings’ rules and guidelines. If you did not receive it, please check your junk mail.

Respectfully submitted,

In A.A. Love, Service and Prayers,

Dale L., DCM D-71, Chair, Area 51 G&M Sub-committee


Treasurer Report 06-10-2021


District 71 GSR Meeting Agenda, June 12, 2021 @ 9:30