District 71 Meeting Minutes

February 12, 2022 9:30 am EST

Meeting called to order by Liz G. at 9:33

In attendance:

Liz G.

Larry L.

Terry G.

Ike F.

Ellen O.

Linda Q.

Keenan G.

Valerie V.


John O.

Annette K.

Stephanie G.

Michelle M.

DCM- Liz G.

Liz has spent her vacation time learning more about the website, mail chimp and other things district related. Meeting changes from the website will now automatically be sent to Liz, Larry and Ray at the Central Office.

The pre conference will be held at Oakley Methodist Church at 607 Fairview Rd, Asheville NC on April 2, 2022 from 11:30 to 3:30. Flier is on the District 71 website.

Log in to Fellowship Connect for group information for GSR’s and alternates.

Information on the $6,000 surplus will be available in a few weeks. Home groups have submitted ideas on how the money can best benefit North Carolina AA. If a decision is not agreed on the money will again be sent to GSO.

The $11,000 contribution from the women’s organization will be decided by the end of 2022. This money does not fall into the surplus category.

Lake Point Landing is looking for folks to carpool with to the Freedom From Bondage assembly in Aberdeen in March.

Inventory survey is on the District website. Please encourage home group members to fill it out and return it in a number of ways.

Alternate DCM position is still open. No takers as of this meeting.

Secretary- Larry L.

January minutes were sent out and posted on the website as well as the e mail Liz sent out. Minutes were accepted by vote.

Treasurer- Keenan G.

Beginning balance $1965.48

Group contributions:

Happy Hour Group $115.00

Big Town Group $56.73

Early Birds Group $1,158.00

Sober Sisters group $48.00

Ending Balance $3343.21

Web Administrator- Valerie V.

609 visits to the website as of today.

Valerie changed the color of the zoom meeting listings to blue so they would stand out on the meeting list.

Central Office- No report. Not in attendance

CPC- Linda Jo No report. Not in attendance

PI -Amanda has volunteered to stand for the position. Liz will contact her and

connect her with Linda Jo to learn more about the position.

Corrections- Michelle M.

Michelle and Terry G will be going to the Freedom From Bondage assembly on March 11-13 at the Hampton Inn in Aberdeen NC.

Michelle is in contact to determine when meetings will be allowed in the prisons.

Bridging the Gap- Stephanie G.

Everything is on hold due to the strain on Covid on the healthcare industry.

Treatment- Position is still open

Events- Terry G.

Pre conference is a joint event with District 70 and 71. District 71 budget for the event is $500.00. District 70 budget is $750.00. Due to the small fee the church wants the event will be catered for the food and drink.

Terry would like to have three events a year. One being a speaker/ dinner event. Also possibly a baseball game in Asheville. Home groups are encouraged to send ideas to Terry.

Grapevine- Position open

GSR Reports-

John O. Hendersonville Men’s Group. Good attendance

Annette K. Big Town. no report

Ike F. Hendersonville Group. Group Conscience meeting for home group members Feb. 20

Ellen O. Cedar Mountain. Attendance is very low.

Linda Q. Early Birds. Group conscience Tuesday Feb 15.

Terry G. Fellowship Group. Inventory form printed for members to fill out. Safety issue seems to have been resolved.

Old Business-

Positions for ADCM, Treatment and Grapevine open

New Business-

Send ideas for events to Terry G.

Next meeting will be in person at St. John’s in the Wilderness on March 12 at 9:30 am.

Meeting adjourned with the responsibility statement at 10:19 am




Agenda 2-12-22