District 71 Meeting Minutes- February 13, 2021
Dale L. opened the meeting at 9:30 with the Serenity Prayer.
DCM- Dale L.
Greetings to all. 7Th Day Adventist Academy presentation of January 30th was postponed due to Covid. New date is February 27 with two services, 9:45 and 10:30. Dale will be presenting at the 10:30 service. Camera will show the 12 steps during her presentation in keeping with our traditions.
Area committee meeting March 5-6 Committee for the Area Inventory to take place. Inventory will be at the fall assembly at Lake Junaluska in October if the pandemic allows. If not, the Inventory will be postponed until 2022. All groups will receive a question form to submit with input for inventory.
ADCM- Liz G.
Liz wanted to make sure all new GSRs receive a GSR kit. Please contact her with any updates on group GSRs and alternate GSRs.
Secretary Report- Larry L.
Larry read the January minutes. No corrections or changes. Motion to accept by Liz G. motion seconded and passed.
Treasurer Report- Buzz L.
Report from Jan. 9 to Feb.11. Balance $961.00
Group donations from paypal $383.38
Sober Sisters donated $24.10
Hendersonville Men’s Group donated $125.00
Brevard donated $20.00
Donation of $100.00 from district 15 did not clear the bank.
$60.00 to PI
$50.00 for domain registration
$14.99 Zoom fee
Total expenses $269.00 Total donations $562.00 Total: $1254.00
Webmaster: Scott A.
Website accuracy depends on correct information about times, locations, or any changes of meeting status. Please use the form on the website titled Meeting Changes and make any corrections.
Last 30 days website was visited 460 times by 417 people looking at 946 page
CPC: Linda Jo
Services for 7th Day Adventist moved to February 27th. Good format for future presentations. If anyone knows of a church or organization interested please contact Linda Jo.
Treatment: Terry G.
Terry needs 2 volunteers for Bridging the Gap. 6 month sober required. Update contact information and let groups know about Bridging the Gap. Terry will call Sam at Pardee. There are things we can do to help during Covid, such as being a phone contact to someone just leaving treatment, and guiding them to some Zoom meetings.
Freedom From Bondage workshop has been cancelled. Important to get meetings back into the prisons when Covid restrictions are lifted.
Scott offered Terry a page on the website to put all her treatment information on. Please contact Terry with any suggestions or ideas.
Dave: Central Office
Meeting was held January 14th. Approved 2021 budget Contributions are coming in and more are welcome. Literature is still available. Call ahead and items will be placed in the hall. Checks can be put in the box. If the door is opened to answer a question, do not enter the office. A Reminder that treatment facilities are not affiliated with AA.
GSR Updates:
Laurie from Sober Sisters was asking about the contribution percentage split that is recommended. Each group is autonomous and can divide the contributions any way they see fit. One suggested way is 50% Central office 39% GSO 10% district 10% area. Dale said that New York has the greatest need for contributions at this time.
OLD Business:
Positions need to be filled for Treasurer, Corrections, Grapevine and Events.
New Business:
District 15 , Rutherford and Cleveland County where Rutherford has joined District 71 and Cleveland has joined District 13.
Next Meeting March 13, 2021 9:30 am EST
Meeting closes with the Responsibility Statement at 10:25