District 71 meeting minutes June 12, 2021

Dale L. opens the meeting with the serenity prayer at 9:35. In attendance:

Dale L.- DCM
Liz G.- Alternate DCM
Larry L. - Secretary
Keenan G.- Treasurer
Scott A.- Webmaster
Dave L.- Central Office
Terry G.- Treatment
Stephanie- Treatment coordinator
John O.- Hendersonville Men’s Group
Linda- Early Birds
Linda Jo- Big Town Group (CPC)
Jo- Sisters Of Sobriety
Ellen O.- Cedar Mountain Group
John- Live and Let Live (Forest City)
Mike- Big Town Group

Dale L.- DCM
Welcomes everyone to the first in person District 71 meeting since the pandemic began. Dale stressed the strength of AA members in keeping the meetings and our sobriety going through the difficult times.

Discussion on a topic to be voted on regarding the location of the meeting to be at St. John’s or at Willow Rd, and whether it would be in person, on zoom or a hybrid version of both. A few different votes were taken after a period of discussions and ideas from the members present. It was decided to meet quarterly in person at St. John’s In The Wilderness, and meet on zoom the rest of the time. So July and August will be on Zoom, and September will be in person.

Dale attended the Zoom Spring Assembly on May 21-22. Guest was Carolyn W., a non-alcoholic AAWS director. She delivered a powerful message.

As well as the $6000.00 surplus, which all home groups have been encouraged to send ideas for how to best disperse these funds (ideas to Stevie D. ( treasurer@aanorthcarolina.org), there was a donation of $11,725 to the area by the International Women's Conference. It was decided after discussion to accept the funds. The same need for ideas as to how to use these funds is requested , and ideas are to be sent to the same place to Stevie D. It is important to remember that if ideas are not voted on and accepted the money will automatically go to GSO. This will happen with both amounts..

Rainer, our Area Delegate, attended 74 hours of zoom meetings on a variety of topics. It involved new literature, and the making of some literature into videos and podcasts. There will be a 5th Edition of the Big Book. The first 164 pages will remain the same although 40% wanted revisions to it. On June 15th, the AA preamble will be officially changed to read “people” instead of “men and women”.

Dale facilitated a group inventory for Sisters Of Sobriety. She is available to do this for other groups upon request.

Liz G.- Alt GSR

Liz and Dale have been very busy with the Growth and Maintenance sub-committee. Liz will have an update soon.

Larry L.- Secretary

A motion to accept May’s minutes with no corrections or additions was made by Ellen. Second by Liz. Minutes accepted.

Keenan G.- Treasurer

$1997.89 in the bank at this time. Keenan is working on updating the budget, including a $500.00 increase in the Treatment fund. Keenan and Scott A. are working on getting a Paypal account for on-line contributions. They have not been successful yet.

Scott A.- Webmaster

This month 508 visits by 438 people
Year to date 2800 visits by 1300 people.
There is a change form online for groups to update or change the meeting information.

Dave L.- Central Office

Dave attended the May 13th meeting. $2,160 in contributions to the Central Office. Where and Whens are being printed as needed. There are three open positions. Treasurer, editor, and web administrator . (It was decided to change the title from webmaster to web administrator) Office remains closed to the public. Literature can be left outside the door or mailed, as it has been.

Linda Jo- CPC

There are some workshops online coming up. Linda Jo will make the times and zoom numbers available soon.

Terry G.- Treatment

Terry introduced Stephanie, our new treatment coordinator. There is a direct number for Bridging the Gap 828-708-3652. Volunteers will be given pamphlet kits as well as one for the client. This is a 2 week commitment to take newly released clients from Pardee and introduce them to the area AA meetings. Scott is arranging a separate room on the same Zoom platform for Treatment Committee use. Pardee Detox meetings will begin again on June 21st. Hendersonville Group will have Friday nights.

GSR Reports:

Linda from Early Birds- face to face meetings Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 am. St. John’s. Early Birds will continue the zoom meetings 7 days a week at 7:30 am.

Hendersonville Men’s group- face to face Tuesday 7:00 pm

Mike from Big Town- new meeting Sunday 1:00 pm step study in person. Also Tuesday night 7:00.

Hendersonville Group- Beginners meeting Wednesday 6:00 pm in person. Friday 8:00 step meeting in person. Saturday night 8:00 pm open discussion in person. Wednesday 8:00 speaker, Tuesday night 8:00, Thursday night 8:00 and Sunday 11:00 am literature to remain on zoom for now.

New/ Old Business

We have been looking at other groups to see how often and what pie chart division is used to disperse contribution funds. We have always donated twice a year. We have decided to donate once a year in November.

District 71 Zoom Space will remain active and is available for sponsor/ sponsee online meetings. This is a change in policy for us.

Next meeting July 10th on Zoom 9:30 am EST


Agenda, D-71 GSR Meeting, 7/10/21 @ 9:30 AM


Web Administrator