District 71 Meeting Minutes - March 13, 2021

Dale L. opened the meeting at 9:32 with the Serenity Prayer


DCM- Dale L.

Feeling encouraged that Covid numbers are in decline and more folks are being vaccinated. Dale reached out to Father Josh at St. John’s about church opening. Have not heard back.

Met with Keith and Scott H. on February 16th to set the agenda for the Growth and Maintenance Committee. We have been charged with 7 initiatives. Dale is doing Area Inventory, and has developed the question format.

Dale spoke at Sisters of Sobriety on February 23rd. Highlight was seeing Margaret, the new GSR for that group.

Dale made the presentation at the Seventh Day Adventist Church. All went well and her talk was not televised, as per anonymity rules.

Dale and Liz attended the Area Committee meeting. Primary focus was the pre-conference. The area treasurer reported a surplus of $6249.00. Ideas are requested as to how the money could be spent. See Dale’s complete report on the Website.

ACDM- Liz G.

Liz’s report was mainly on information on the pre- conference. Please look for her detailed description on the separate e - mail and on the District 71 Website. All are welcome to attend.

Secretary - Larry L.

Larry read the minutes from the February 13 meeting. Motion to accept by Scott, seconded by Terry and passed.

Treasurer - Buzz

Cash and checks on hand $1254.00

Expenses $14.99 for zoom

Donations from one group for $6.00

Donation from Sisters of Sobriety for $205.71

Total is $1450.77

Liz motion to accept, Margret second. All passed.

Webmaster- Scott A.

Month of February 505 visits by 447 people looking at 1200 pages.

Since January 1 1100 visits by 659 people looking at 2600 pages

Home page lists the information about the pre-conference, including schedule, and all zoom information.

The password protected area has all the minutes and reports. Password is thinknot.

Make sure all meeting changes are submitted on the website form for this purpose.

CPC- Linda Jo

After a November meeting with the staff of Seventh Day Adventist the presentation was scheduled for February 27th. Event was a success. Dale’s message was taped and has been shared with other churches.

CPC workshop on talking to non- AA groups. Only 1% of alcoholics are referred by the churches.

AA is not anonymous… AA members are anonymous

PI- Kathy

Not in attendance

Treatment- Terry G.

Terry has a new committee chair, Janet M. from the Big Town Group for Bridging the Gap. Pamphlet says 1 year sobriety required to participate although 6 months with a sponsor is encouraged. Co- Chair will be Sarah O. from Campobello NC. We are asked to take this to our home groups for folks to step up for this important 2 week commitment to help people leaving detox to be introduced to AA, either through virtual or face to face meetings.

New contact at Pardee detox is Miranda.

Central Office- Dave L.

Dave attended the board meeting March 11. Opening for treasurer and newsletter editor.

Position for a central office rep at the area level.

Materials still available for purchase. Call in order and it will be waiting for you in the hall. Leave checks in the box. Do not enter the office.

GSR Reports

Margaret- Sisters of Sobriety Tuesday 7:00 pm

John O.- Hendersonville Men's Group Tuesday 7:00 pm . Working with Scott, learning about the GSR position

Ellen- Cedar Mountain Suggests a presentation to the church’s Community board about AA.

Buzz- Lucy - Happy Hour Group. All good.

Ike F.- Hendersonville Group. Meetings Friday and Saturday night Will move indoor April 2nd and 3rd 8:00pm

Old Business

Positions open for events and Grapevine

New Business

Eric has stepped up for the position of Treasurer for District 71. Congratulations, Eric. He will meet with Buzz for all the transition materials. Thank you, Buzz, for your service commitment, and for staying on three extra months while we searched for your replacement.

See website for the Event Calendar

Next meeting April 10, 9:30 am. Close with the responsibility statement 10:35


D-71 GSR Meeting Agenda, Saturday, 4/10/21 @ 9:30 AM


Webmaster Report 03132021