June 2024 Web Administrator Report

Web Administrator Report - June

Good Morning to Everyone:

I apologize for not being in attendance last month.  I had worked the night before and forgot to set the alarm.  There wasn’t much happening with the website last month except for changing the counties that we represent in the heading and removing the meetings that are no longer part of our district.

I will break down the by month for May and June:

The visitor numbers for May were 180 with 158 unique visitors and 357 page views. We had 176 from the United States, 2 from Canada, 1 from the Republic of Korea and 1 from Russia.  June numbers have jumped considerably with 228 visitors so far with 209 unique visitors and 371 page views,  Our visitors were 219 from the United States, 2 from Germany, 2 from France, 1 each from Canada, Phillipines, Singapore, Turkey, and the Ukraine.

I won’t be posting the analytic pictures in this months report.

We do have the Founder’s Day picnic on Sunday, and I will be bringing a display for the Grapevine.  I hope it will get people more interested in supporting the entity.

In love and Service

Valerie V.  Web Administrator/Grapevine Representative


May and June Meeting Minutes


May 2024 Treasurer’s Report