D 71 Minutes June 13
District 71 Zoom Meeting Minutes, June 13, 2020
Dale L., DCM, opened the meeting at 9:33 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer. Thirteen participants; welcomed Mike G., AltGSR Big Town group.
DCM Dale read off the highlights of her report. All are encouraged to visit our new website if not done already; for password: thinknot. These documents will now be available from the website.
The District has its own PO Box now at the BlueRidge Mall post office:
District 71, P.O. Box 202, Hendersonville, NC 28793
ADCM Scott A. was thanked for his service as acting Alt.DCM.
Liz G. was nominated for position ADCM with no other nominations from the floor. Nominations closed, vote taken. All in favor. Welcome and congratulations to Liz!
SECY Kathryn H-F, no report. May minutes accepted with corrections.
Treasurer Buzz H. - Income $295.42, Expenses 343.98. Website is paid through June of 2021. Balance available $1403.86. Terry G. motioned to accept report, Lucy seconded, all in favor.
CPC Linda S. - received new literature catalog, note prices lowered. 10% off sale on the Big Book in all formats all summer. Dale was contacted by an AB Tech representative for a presentation on AA as resource.
PI Kathy K. - Ready with pamphlets just prior to the “shut down.” Still have Adopt-a-Doc literature/business card holders for members to distribute.
Central Office Representative - Terry G. attended her first business meeting. The office is open 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. M-F, you can call and order items and drop payment in mail slot. Credit card payments can also be accepted.
Treatment - open - Liz G. has been in touch with Pardee. They are limited on staff, can’t do much work yet. Plans to develop a pdf handout for discharged clients with info about A.A.
Corrections : open
Grapevine open - Ordering information: 800-631-6025 and www.aagrapevine.org.
Old Business
1. Service positions available - Grapevine, Bridging the Gap, Events.
2. Larry L. reported the rescheduling of a Sponsorship Workshop to September, following that month’s D-71 meeting.
Old Business, Con’t.
3. Groups having money for Corrections or other donations - checks to Buzz H. for deposit. Send to: D-71 Treasurer, 1311 Pace Road, Hendersonville, NC 28792.
New Business
1. Webmaster - we are creating this position first; Annette K. motion, Linda Q. second, all in favor.
Scott A. willing to stand for new position. No “set” job description; it varies from District-to-District. Webmaster takes care of site to channel info through one person: maintains versus controls. A committee will also be needed for this multi-point area of District service.
Motion to accept Scott A. as first webmaster made by Liz G., Kathryn HF second, all in favor.
Motion to create a website committee made by Scott A., second by Annette K., all in favor.
2. Nominations - two terms end this year, Secretary and Treasurer. November is our election month.
3. Scott A. went over the website in its current form; officers will be scheduled for instruction later on how to work with the site.
contact page, can verify or change group information
check to see if name, positions, email are correct ASAP
4. The GSO Spring Assembly will be conducted via Zoom as we will not be able to meet physically in Raleigh as planned. Four items for voting were discussed, look for more information on how to join the various meetings, workshops, etc.
5. Budget - we will add a line for IT (the tech stuff) to better track our costs. Initial budget amount $300-400? Motion to add this line item by Scott A., seconded Lynn W., all in favor. Motion to set amount at $400 by Scott A., seconded by Kathryn HF, all in favor.
Close with Responsibility Statement at 10:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathryn HF, 7/13/20