minutes 1-8-2022

In attendance:

Liz G.

Wanda Lu

Annette K.

Terry G.


Larry L.

Ellen O.

Keenan G.

Valerie V.

Ike F.

District 71 Meeting Minutes

January 8, 2022 9:30 am on Zoom

DCM: Liz G.

Liz called the meeting to order with the Serenity Prayer at 9:31 am.Welcome to all for the first 2022 District 71 meeting. Liz is happy to begin her term as the new DCM. We are in need of an alternate DCM.

Time to plan for the pre-conference to be held on April 2, 2022 with District 70. More information in the event section of the minutes.

Safety information is on the Area 51 website. Trustees would like groups to print it out and provide feedback. E Mail Rainer at delegate@aanorthcarolina.org.

There is a questionnaire about the Area Inventory on the Area 51 website at aanorthcarolina.org. Password is easydoesit. It can be filled out and returned in a variety of ways.

ADCM: position not filled Secretary Report: Larry L.

December minutes were emailed out on December 12 to all. Motion to accept minutes without reading them seconded and passed.

Treasurer Report: Keenan G.

Beginning balance $1848.31

Zoom $138.91

Check $43.60

Supplies $55.21

Stripe $199.67

Stripe $18.52 (Cedar Mountain)

Fireside Group $37.50

bat cave $12.00

Ending Balance  $1965.48

Motion to accept treasurer report seconded and passed.

Web Administrator: Valerie V. 464 visits to the District 71 website.

Valerie is happy to begin her term as web administrator and is learning about the website. She has a lot of experience as a web administrator and can be contacted at vvales56@gmail.com with any suggestions or any AA fliers for events . Items should be sent as a JPEG, but Valerie can convert most formats. Meeting change form can be found on the District 71 website.

Central Office: Mike J.

No report. Not in attendance

CPC: Linda

No report. Not in attendance

PI: Position needs to be filled No report. Not in attendance

Corrections: Michelle M.

No report. Not in attendance

Grapevine: position needs to be filled

Events: Terry G.

Terry is working on the planning of the pre conference to be held April 2, 2022. Has been contacting the Biltmore Church in Arden as a possible venue for the event.

Freedom from Bondage workshop March 11-13 2022 in Aberdeen Nc. Workshop on Safety in Sanford NC. Contact Terry for more information.

GSR Reports:

Wanda Lu: Motley Crew meeting in Columbus SC. Last Friday will be a speaker meeting.

Annette: Big Town- attendance goes up and down

Jo: Sisters of Sobriety- more attendance on zoom

Ellen O.: Cedar Mountain- same Tues and Thurs meeting 6:00 with very few attendees

Ike F.: Hendersonville Group- started Monday noon meeting. Now Mon-Wed- Fri for noon meetings. Alcothons were well attended for Christmas and New Year. Hendersonville Group holds 9 meetings per week, with one zoom on Tuesday 8:00.

Al: Lake Point Landing Group. Senior living facility. Covid restrictions are very tight for visitors.

Terry G: Fellowship Group- there were two areas of concern with safety issues to be addressed.

Old Business:

Positions need to be filled: ADCM, Grapevine and PI.

New Business:

Planning for pre conference- Terry working on that. Last one had 165 people attending. Liz will contact Raynor about the status of the decision on how to disperse the surplus money that our home group made suggestions for.

Notice for District 71 meeting dates and times will be moved to the front page of the website, so that more people will see it. Next meetings will be on zoom on February 12, 2022 at 9:30 am.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:30 with the Responsibility Statement


Agenda 2-12-22

