District 71 Meeting Minutes Aug. 8, 2020

District 71 Zoom Meeting Minutes, August 8, 2020

Dale L., DCM, opened the meeting at 9:36 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer; 9 participants

Reports Please refer to DCM, ADCM reports for complete information.

DCM Dale has posted her report on the NC71.org website. Highlights:

• Working together with Liz to compile contact information for GSRs, Alternates to they can begin direct contact with those who regularly attend District meetings, as well as those who currently do not.

• Our Service Manual review will begin Sat., Aug. 15 at 10 a.m., in our Zoom meeting space, # 839-998-9177.

• Growth and Maintenance Committee, Area 51 - there are 9 initiatives to focus on as this work begins, part of assignments to DCM’s following the Spring convention. First meeting is Sunday Aug 9.

• Future large A.A. events (e.g., Clemons, SC) will probably go virtual.

ADCM Liz G. reported on the single-page handout prepared for Pardee detox patients upon discharge to provide them AA connections via Zoom, our website and other useful contact information. Not much else can be arranged right now.

Liz will be attending the G&M Committee meeting on Sunday with Dale.

SECY Kathryn H-F, no report. A correction was required to change Dale’s inventory assignment to an Area, not District, inventory. Lynn W. motioned to accept July 18 minutes as corrected, seconded by Larry L.; all in favor.

Treasurer Buzz H. - From our starting checkbook balance of $1,636.81 we have $821.82 after payment of $14.99 regular expense, and a donation of $800 to GSO.

No new group donations. Motion for Treas. report accepted by Kathryn HF, seconded by Mike G.; all in favor.

Webmaster - Scott reported on current activity to the site; shows very good response and variety of search activity. District officers are making use of the site from our training. People looking for “live” meetings is now increasing.

Please note the Meeting Change Form that can be used to provide necessary details on the alternate sites that some groups are arranging.

CPC Linda Jo S. - Nothing new, will pick up on contact with Pardee as soon as possible.

PI Kathy K. We are very well-stocked and ready to move ahead.

Corrections - open

Events - open

Treatment - open

Central Office Terry G. - not present; Dale followed up on July with Ray on the Office’s financial status; he said it was fine to forward the donation to GSO.

Grapevine open - Ordering information: 800-631-6025 and www.aagrapevine.org.


Mike G. reported that Big Town Group, Etowah, did not settle on a new meeting space. Will continue at the Boy Scout Hut, Etowah Methodist Church.

Lucy Q. reported that Happy Hour Group will be meeting Tuesday and Thursday at the Patton Park pavilion, 5:30 p.m., discontinuing Zoom.

Old Business

1. Service positions are still open as shown above, hopefully the Manual review will draw interest. Service keeps us sober. Reminder that District Treas and Sec are scheduled for rotation out at the end of the year.

2. Sponsorship Workshop - because the State is still in Phase 2 of COVID-19 response, we still cannot run the kind of meeting that is desired by the presenters. Will virtual meetings be successful; will somebody commit to running them each time, etc.? Discuss logistics after this meeting; will update.

New Business

1. Dale and Liz will continue to work on Area assignments; Dale will try to attend HVL Group’s business meeting.

2. Still targeting Gratitude Dinner in November, will update.

3. Five Agenda items from Area 51 Chair, Sec. are posted on our site. A sixth one is being developed to approve the concept and procedures for the inventory targeted for 2021.

Close with Responsibility Statement at 10:17 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathryn HF, 8/10/20 //


District 71 GSR Meeting Agenda, September 12, 2020 9:30-10:30 AM


Agenda Items From Area 51 Chair and Secretary