ADCM Report July 18, 2020

Hello everyone!   This is my first report as your new alternate DCM for our district.  I am humbled to be of service.  I am responsible for updating GSR and alt. GSR information, for our district, the area, and GSO.  I will be also working to update all groups in our area that we no longer have up to date information for.  If any groups have changes, please let me know through our new website or feel free to call me or email.  (828) 450-7886 /

Recently, I reached out to Samantha at the detox to see if they need any assistance.  As expected, still no in person meetings.  She is still putting our meeting schedules in discharge paperwork with zoom included.  I think we should also send them an updated in person meeting schedule.  If anyone has been attending these meetings, please let me know so I can send this information along.  

Last weekend I got to attend the two growth and maintenance committee meetings during the Area Assembly. I will be assisting Dale with the Area Inventory.   She has been working diligently on this for a few months now.  I will also be helping with the areas P3 manual (policies, procedures, and process). I am just learning about what this will entail.  I hope to update everyone at our next meeting.


Yours in Service,


Liz Grant


Webmaster Report for July 18, 2020


DCM Report