DCM Report
July 18, 2020
As we continue to follow the Covid-19 CDC and our Governor’s guidelines and recommendations, we find ourselves once again planning to meet virtually. I pray you are all healthy and safely navigating through these continuing unprecedented times. I am sure you all join me with heartfelt gratitude for the tools of our program which guide us through these trying times, one day at a time!!
When we do move forward to being able to meet again in person, I have 2 volunteers to assist with a CPC presentation and a fellowship event. The CPC Function is a hospital wide presentation that Pardee Hospital has invited us to do. A member of our fellowship, a Nurse Practitioner who works in recovery, has volunteered to assist with the program. Another member has offered to assist with putting on a Gratitude Dinner/Speaker event in November. Details to follow as our state opens up!!
Our virtual Assembly took place this past weekend to which I attended every moment. Liz and I attended the Committee Meeting on Friday night where we primarily finalized the plans and agenda for the Assembly on Saturday. On Saturday morning, Liz and I attended our assigned Committee meeting, “Growth and Maintenance”. This is a very active committee with a current total of 9 initiatives that the Area Chair has assigned this group. Specifically, Liz is joining me to plan the 2021 Area Inventory. Our focus, using the upside down triangle, is to fully involve all home group’s participation with the inventory questions by offering the ability to submit responses digitally. This will assure increased participation from those not able to attend the Assembly in person.
The Business Session of the Assembly from noon to 5:PM, along with the reports from the Area offices, Service Coordinators and Chairs of the various committees, had 4 Agenda Items to consider. The first 3 were appointments and passed unanimously. The 4th, however, took over 2 1/2 hours. Agenda Item 4, briefly, stated that the Area surplus of over $18,000 be allocated to the CPC-PI Coordinator for leasing outdoor Billboards. The discussion went on for hours with excellent, well thought out comments/concerns both for and against. Ultimately, the question was called, minority spoke, some reversal of votes requested…question called again…a second vote occurred and ultimately it did not pass. According to a motion passed years ago, If the allocation of funds did not pass then the funds go the GSO. This left a bitter taste among many…not so much about GSO getting the money which they desperately need but the fact that money that was donated to the Area didn’t stay in the Area. This discussion will, no doubt, continue and lead to revisiting that decision of funds going directly to GSO when the vote to allocate a surplus of funds fails.
There were 2 GSO Guests present. One, Cathy, Southeast Regional Trustee, presented a very thought provoking presentation of the language of the Big Book and the possibility of updating our book for a more user friendly edition for today and future generations. Katy followed with an optional hour discussion, not recorded, for feedback from Cathy’s presentation. Needless to say, this is a very hot topic both pro and con, and a conversation we will continue to hear. Steve, our GSO Literature contact, told his story, truly, from the heart!
We have 2 new business items on the Agenda. Please make every effort to attend our GSR meeting on Saturday morning.
Website Tutorials have begun. Scott conducted the first with the officers on how to post reports directly on our password protected page and how to mail such reports via Mail Chimp. As soon as this group is comfortable, Scott will offer the same tutorials for our committee chairs.
I hope to see you all, Saturday, the 18th at 9:30 tp 10:30 sharp! My apologies for running over last month…EVERY effort will be made to close on time or earlier!!
Please stay safe and well.
In AA love and Service,
Respectfully submitted,
Dale L., DCM D-71