Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather. Our service coordinators have been super busy in our district, and you will find they have the most exciting news to report this month. I asked all members rotating out last month to update their positions at our last meeting. If you want to review the service positions go online to our website nc71.org and go to District 71 info, then select Service Position Description. Please review and let me know if it needs to be update and we can get that done on our website. I also want to encourage all to look at the district flowsheet so everyone will see why it is important to keep everything updated. Our original Web Administrator created all the current technology, and a lot of items are not being updated. In our Agenda I have this listed as new business and thought we could discuss having Scott come to our November meeting to go over this information with everyone so we can make an informed decision moving forward. I have been trying to keep our email list updated but have not been able to keep the spreadsheet updated. There is a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff that I need help with so I am hoping everyone will welcome an information session from Scott next month.
I got an email last week from St. John’s that any group that has been displaced due to remodeling can go back to original meeting location on October 17th. Sarah ( St John rep) also said that the church has got storage bins with labels on them for each group and they will be kept in the hallway leading to the Wilderness Room. Items are no longer to be kept in Kitchen because they now have filled the spaces with items meant for a kitchen! She also said if any group needs space beyond the storage bin to please contact her – Sarah Yeargin 693-9783.
I really hope we can get GSR’s from all our groups to attend Assembly in Raleigh November 19-20. It is an election Assembly and of course Agenda items for us to vote on. Please click on PDF’s below so you can take this information to group conscious meetings for a vote. Deadline for hotel reservations is October 25th. There is a Unity Fund available if any group needs help paying for hotel- please let me know ASAP so I can contact appropriate contact person at the Area and get funds for hotel. If anyone wants to caravan or carpool let me know. Last assembly we had only 4 participants. I really hope we have a lot of support this time. Any questions please don’t hesitate to email or call me (828) 450-7886. Please open attachments for information from Area about assembly, and grapevine news. The Agenda and minutes are below. See everyone on zoom tomorrow.
In Love & Service,
Liz Grant DCM71