D71 Meeting Minutes July 18 2020

Dale opened the virtual meeting at 9:38 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer.

DCM Report: The full DCM reports are now posted on website and not fully stated in minutes. Highlights: 1. A friend of Dale’s in Asheville, nurse practitioner, would like to help with CPC work at Pardee when conditions are ready for interaction again. 2. We may also have a member interested in Events 3. An Area 51 inventory process is starting, will run through 2021 targeted to complete in the fall. 4. Re. the recent Assembly vote to send excess funds from the District directly to GSO dates back to 2003, FYI. While everyone agrees the money is needed at GSO, the intention of the funds was not in line with donors; this situation will be discussed and addressed in the future.

ADCM - Liz G. gave her first report as new Alternate; Highlights: 1. Liz and Kathryn will work together to keep our roster current. Contact Liz with all changes to GSR, AGSR contact information. Phone: 828-450-7886 or lizgrant3@gmail.com, Kathryn’s phone is 828-231-3555 call or text. 2. Samantha at Pardee detox is still current contact and we are working on a pdf of A.A. meeting and other information that could be given to patients at discharge. 3. P3 Manual (Policies, etc.) being reviewed to learn more about AA leadership operation.

Secretary - Motion to accept minutes of June 13 meeting; Scott A. motion to accept, Liz G. second, all in favor.l

Treasurer - Buzz gave the monthly report, updated Budget with AI column, current checkbook balance $1,566.00

Webmaster - Scott A. working on the updates needed to keep info current. Lots of activity on the new site. Many are looking for the online meetings, less so for “live” ones at this time. When updating, be sure to give all of the information needed for those who want to attend - if outdoors, for example, be specific about location or the need to bring a chair, etc.

No report this month: Central Office (CO), CPC, PI

Service Positions having no representation so no report: Treatment, Corrections, Grapevine, Events.

GSR Reports:

Annette K., Big Town Group, gave an outdoor location they are considering for meeting in Etowah Park’s pavillion on Schoolhouse Rd., will confirm if arranged.

Old Business - none raised

New Business: 1. With our funds in good shape we discussed donations. Will send support $ for the Sept. convention (~200-250); Zoom account paid up for the year; propose to send $800 to GSO. However, we are not sure about Central Office needs and Dale will contact them first.

Motion to send all $800 to GSO if the CO does not report a need, made by Annette K., seconded Liz G., all in favor. If CO does have financial need, hold off and discuss at our Aug. 8th meeting.

2. Dale co-hosted a Service workshop at Assembly; will be arranging a regular “read-thru” of the A.A. Service Manual similar to a BB discussion meeting. Set to begin Saturday, Aug. 15th.

Upcoming Events: 73rd NC State Convention, July 31-Aug 2nd. Lots of meetings including Old Timers Panel, see flyer. Sponsorship Workshop after Sept. District meeting. The Happy Hour Group, AVL, will meet Tuesdays in pavillion at Patton Park on Tuesday at 5:30 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:17 a.m. with Responsibility Statement.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathryn HF, D71 Sec. 7/22/2020 ; Amended 8/10/2020, khf




Webmaster Report for July 18, 2020