ADCM Report

Greetings District 71!

I have updated Big Town and Hendersonville Group’s GSR information with the area’s new registrar.  I feel confident that he will pass along our info to GSR and that kits will get to the new GSR’s.  A few months back Ellen from Cedar Mtn. submitted Cedar MTN groups info and I submitted Big Town’s and we did not receive anything.  Most of GSO is working from home and my thought is that they have had time to acclimate and we will all receive these useful tools.  If you are a new GSR or are currently a GSR and have never received a new GSR kit, please email me or call (828) 450-7886 so I can help get you one.  Also, I have given our new treatment coordinators info to the registrar in hopes that she will receive a workbook. 

I am grateful to be able to be of service and grow as a person and a member of AA.  Thanks to all for allowing me this opportunity.




Web Master Report 02132021


DCM Report, D-71 GSR Meeting, 2/13/21 @ 9:30 AM