DCM Report, D-71 GSR Meeting, 2/13/21 @ 9:30 AM

How are you all? I pray you are healthy and staying safe during these crazy, unprecedented times we are all still navigating. How I had hoped we would be meeting in person by now…but that clearly is not happening. I hear from the Area that events will continue to be virtual at least through the spring. Thus, once again, we will all meet on Saturday, 2/13 @ 9:30 AM in D-71’s Zoom space. ID# 839 998 9177, PW 71

Due to a positive COVID case in The Seventh-Day Adventist Academy, our original date for our CPC-PI presentation (1/30) had to be postponed. Our New date will be 2/27 which gives ample time for the church/school to quarantine for 2 weeks then another 2 weeks to confirm no new cases.

At this time we are ready for both presentations. The 1st service is at 9:45 and Mary Kate and Sara, representing AA youth in WNC will speak. Representing D-71, I will speak at the 10:50 service. Kathy and Linda jo will man our literature table in the Church lobby where I will join them before and after each service to answer questions. The 10:50 service will be televised to the Church community at home. Our Traditions of Anonymity will be respected. Those watching from home will not see me but will instead follow along with the camera showing our 12 steps as I share my journey through the steps. We are honored and excited about this unique presentation.

Our Area Committee Meeting, March 5-6, will be virtual as will the 4 pre-conferences. Liz and I will get our assignments at that time along with how the pre-conferences will be conducted.

At our last Area Growth and Maintenance Committee meeting I was voted in as Chair of this exciting, busy committee. One of my immediate projects, with the help of an amazing team, is to develop the questions for the Area Inventory. Of course all scheduling depends on COVID restrictions, but we are going ahead and planning on the Inventory taking place at the Fall Assembly, 2021, in Lake Junaluska. Should that not happen, then we’re looking at Spring of 2022. Either way, all of Area 51’s AA membership will be able to participate as the inventory questions will be distributed to all AA groups with responses returned to the committee 30 days prior to the Inventory. More on this as we move forward.

Despite my efforts of phone calls and announcing at meetings, we still do not have a member willing to stand for treasurer. I ask all of you to help by reaching out to your group members.

I look forward to seeing you all Saturday Am.

Respectfully submitted,

Dale L. DCM D-71


ADCM Report


D-71 GSR Meeting Agenda, Saturday, 2/13/21 @ 9:30 AM