D-71 GSR Meeting Agenda, Saturday, 2/13/21 @ 9:30 AM
Where: D-71 Zoom Space, ID# 839 998 9177, PW 71
Open: Serenity Prayer
DCM Report: Dale L.
ADCM Report: Liz G.
Secretary Report: Larry L.
Treasurer Report: Buzz H.
Webmaster Report: Scott A
Committee Reports:
CPC: Linda Jo S.
PI: Kathy K.
Treatment: Terry G.
CO Trustee: Dave L
GSR Reports: News, comments, Meeting changes?
Old Business:
Open Positions: Treasurer, Corrections, Grapevine, Events
New Business:
Upcoming events:
Service Manual Study immediately following this meeting (and scheduled every 2nd and 4th Saturday @ 10:30 AM)
CPC-PI Presentation, Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Fletcher.Saturday,
Next Growth and Maintenance meeting, 2/20/21 (for Dale and Liz).
Area 51 Committee Meeting, 3/5-3/7/21, (Dale and Liz)
Freedom from Bondage, 3/12-3/14
Pre-conferences…now to be virtual, dates and times TBD.
Area Assembly: May 22, 23.
Next meeting, 3/13/21
Close with Responsibility Statement