District 71 Meeting Minutes, Saturday January 9, 2021

Dale opened meeting at 9:30 with the Serenity Prayer. 

Approval of Minutes for November meeting, Liz- motion/ Buzz seconded; all in favor.


DCM - Dale L.

Happy New Year. While Covid restrictions are still in place, we will continue to have our meetings on Zoom. Met with the folks at St. John's in the Wilderness, and they will be happy to have us when restrictions are lifted. 

We need to fill the Treasure position, as Buzz will be rotating out.

Linda S and Dale met with Pastor Blake at Fletcher Seventh Day Adventist about presentation on January 30th to the congregation.

Met with Advent Health Hospital CEO about holding meetings at the new 30 bed Women's Behavioral Health Unit. Also interested in Bridging the Gap. Need Treatment position filled as well as treatment chair. 

ADCM - Liz G. 

In attendance, no report


Larry L. will be taking over as secretary. Thanks to Kathy for all her hard work. 

TREA- Buzz

Buzz report from November 14- January 8. 

$1500.00 donation to GSO 

$500.00 donation to Central Office

$14.99 to recurring Zoom fee.

3 donations totaling $257.00 (not deposited at this time)

Balance $768.27

Buzz agreed to stay on until his position is filled.

WEBMSTR Scott A. - 

Request that members inform Scott regarding meeting changes

Need to upgrade spread sheet with all GSRs and alternate GSRs.

Last 30 days- website visited 405 times by 367 people looking at 813 pages

Last year- website visited 3600 times by 1700 people looking at 9500 pages.

CPC Linda S. - 

Items listed in DCM report

PI Kathy K. - 

No report

Corrections -Open

Treatment Open

Central Office David L.

No report. Send any questions to Dave L.

People can still order literature. Items will be placed outside the door for pick up. Leaving checks in the box is not a problem.

Grapevine Ordering information: 800-631-6025 and www.aagrapevine.org


GSR Reports: 

Annette from Big Town Group says meetings in person and on zoom are going well.

Lucy from Happy Hour Group is at new location on Spartanburg Highway next to Jim's Muffler Shop. Meetings Tues-Thurs at 5:00.

Ellen from Cedar Mountain. Three meetings in person. Masks and face shields are required. 

John O. , new GSR for Hendersonville Mens Group Tuesday 7:00pm on Zoom

Ike F., new GSR for Hendersonville Group. Six meetings per week. One in person Saturday 4:00 pm.

Old Business-

Treasurer needed. Job description on District 71 website. 2 year position.

New Business

Terry G. nominated for Treatment position. Liz second. 

Need Events position, Grapevine position Correction position

Area Growth and Maintainance Meeting Saturday Jan 16th 10:30 am

set up for inventory at Fall Assembly.

2nd and 4th Saturday 10:30 am Service Manual Study

Literature workshop Sunday January 17th Area 51. with Keith M. 2-3:30

Close with Responsibility Statement at 10:18a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Larry L.


D-71 GSR Meeting Agenda, Saturday, 2/13/21 @ 9:30 AM


Webmaster Report 010921