Agenda, Distrist 71 GSR Meeting, 9/11/21@0930
Where: In person, we will meet at St John in the Wilderness, 1895 Greenville Hwy, Flat Rock NC 28731, in The Wilderness Room. Masks required per church guidelines.
Open: Serenity Prayer
DCM Report: Dale L. will have Summer Committee Meeting Report
ADCM Report: Liz G. (The Sheets received from the Area Registrar at the recent Committee Meeting will be available for updates/edits.)
Secretary Report: Larry L. (Minutes from August 14th meeting have been posted on the website. Please review before we meet.) Vote to approve the minutes. There will be a sign-in sheet for contact tracing and also for any new GSRs, members to fill in their contact information.
Treasurer Report: Keenan G. (Vote to approve report.)
Webmaster Report: Scott A. (Vote for an Alt. Webmaster!!)
CO Trustee: David L.
Reports from Service Committee Chairs:
CPC: Linda Jo S… Fr. Josh has invited us to do a CPC presentation, 9/19/21, at St John’s during Sunday School for adults and some high schoolers from 10-10:45.
PI: Kathy K.
Treatment: Terry G.
Bridging the Gap: Stephanie
GSR Reports:
From The Big Town Group: Question came up at their Group Conscience Meeting… Can we bring books into Pardee Detox and can we leave them there?
Old Business: Open positions: Corrections, Grapevine, Events.
Positions rotating out this year: DCM, ADCM, Webmaster
Updates on job descriptions.
9/18 Event: at Calvary Episcopal Church: Need total of 6 volunteers to set up. Need 2 volunteers for registration. (we will discuss serving with the current state of COVID cases.) Lastly, clean-up!
New Business: GSR Kits
Vote to change November meeting to 11/6 due to Fall Assembly Conflict.
Any other new business?
Future Events:
9/18/21 D-71 Open Speaker/Dinner meeting: Meet the Delegate, Alt Delegate (Take flyers)
11/12-14/21 Fall Assembly meets at Lake Junaluska. See Flyer!
SSAASA 11/19-21/21, Tampa, Fl. see Flyer!
Close: The Responsibility Statement.