DCM Report, D-71 GSR Meeting 9/11/21@0930

Good Morning to you all! Since this is our live and in person quarterly meeting, I will touch on this morning’s topics but will go into more detail as we move through the agenda. First, I want to thank Liz for running last month’s zoom meeting. I know you all were in good hands while I enjoyed a week at the beach with our family of 12…all under one roof. Last we were together was Thanksgiving, 2019!!

This morning I ask you all to join me in following the most recent guidelines sent out by Fr. Josh because of the marked increase in COVID cases. Masks are once again mandated along with 3’ social distancing. Hand sanitizer, disinfectant and masks will be provided. Please bring your own water/coffee etc in a sealed container. We will continue to keep you all updated during what continues to be an ever changing climate!

Liz and I attended the Area Summer Committee meeting last month, 8/21-22/21, at the Charlotte Airport Hilton. For your knowledge, The Area Committee is made up of the officers, service coordinators, sub-committee chairs, DCMs and ADCM’s. 66 of us were present which were enough to form a quorum and conduct business. Of the 11 agenda items presented to the committee, 9 are being sent forward to the Fall Assembly for approval. The background information on these 9 items will be available from our Area Chair by the end of this month. Here is a little preview on a few items: Make the unity fund a permanent budgeted item, providing 4 rooms at each Assembly; Utilize the Area Zoom Account on a permanent basis ( there will be an effect on the area budget with this one); there will be 3 website items with one of those 3 allowing notices of Area 51 intergroup, district and YPAA events to be posted on the website. Rest assured you will have all of the background information on all agenda items at our October meeting giving the GSRs enough time to share with their groups and bring their group conscience votes back to our November meeting which will be 1 week before the Assembly. Still a hot topic is what to do with the Area surplus funds of $6,249.00. The deadline for submitting surplus fund suggestions is 10/31/21. I have a cool handout that will shed some light on the surplus process for you to share with your groups!

With the continuing issues with COVID, the Area Service Coordinators all report little to no face to face activity. CPC-PI is very active on zoom offering an array of topics with attendees not only from the US and Canada but from as far away as Australia. Linda Jo can guide anyone interested with up-coming events.

The theme for this upcoming Fall Assembly is “A.A.’s future, it begins with us!” If you have not already registered for the Fall Assembly at Lake Junaluska, please do so ASAP. Please pick up the 2-sided Fall Assembly Hotel information sheet. I might add, commuting is also an affordable option! I day-hopped to the SSAASA seminar last year as I was a spectator and found the drive from H’ville to Lake Junaluska, about one hour, very doable!

The 2022 pre-conference dates and district hosts are as follows: East: April 9 hosted by D92 & D93; Spanish: April 10 hosted by D05; Central: March 29 hosted by D23; and West: April 2 hosted by D70 & D71 (this one is us(4 counties) along with Buncombe plus 5 or 6 more counties).

Our “Meet the Delegate and Alt Delegate” event is a week away! As we move through the agenda, I will be asking for some volunteers to help during the event and to set-up and clean-up. We are very excited for our AA members here in WNC to have the opportunity to hear and visit with our Area trusted servants up close and personal. Please take some extra flyers today and pass them out at your meetings this week.

And finally, Liz and I have our hand made GSR kits. Any new GSRs who have never received a kit, please pick one up from Liz.

Than’s all from me right now. I am sure Larry will capture any elaboration on what I have already mentioned in today’s minutes.

It is my honor and privilege to serve as your DCM.

With Circles of Love and Service,

Respectfully submitted,

Dale L., D-71 DCM; Chair, G&M Sub-committee


District 71 meeting minutes September 11, 2021


Agenda, Distrist 71 GSR Meeting, 9/11/21@0930