District 71 meeting minutes September 11, 2021
Dale L. opens meeting 9:38 with the Serenity Prayer
In attendance:
Dale L. ( DCM)
Liz G. (ADCM)
Larry L.- Secretary
Michele- Happy Hour Group
Ike F.- Hendersonville Group
Dave L.- Central Office
Terry G.- Treatment and GSR Fellowship Group
John O.-Hendersonville Men’s Group
Linda Q- Early Birds Group
Linda Jo- CPC and Big Town Group
Pat H.- Sober Sisters
Stephanie G.- Treatment Chairperson and Fellowship Group
Katie- Cedar Mountain Group
Edie- Cedar Mountain Group
Valerie- Hendersonville Group (standing for alternate Web Administrator)
Dale L. DCM
Dale thanked Liz for standing in for her last month while she visited family.
Liz and Dale attended the Area Summer Committee Meeting on 8/21-22 .66 present to discuss the 11 agenda items up for votes. (see DCM report for details)
Theme for fall assembly November 12-14 at Lake Junaluska is “AA’s future, it begins with us” Hotel rooms are available if you don’t want to drive there every day.
The “meet the delegate and alternate delegate” event is next Saturday September 18th. We have volunteers for set up and clean up. Please continue to announce this at your home groups so we can have a good turn out.
Dale, Liz and Terry have put together GSR kits for those who need them.
Information regarding pre-conference dates are on the District website.
Raynor, our Area 51 delegate, has hosted 28 pre conferences.
Next assembly will have an election for secretary.
Larry L.- Secretary
Last month's minutes were posted and reviewed. Motion to accept minutes by Stephanie, seconded by Ike and passed.
Treasurer report: Keenan not in attendance, given by Dale L.
August beginning balance $1752.32 August balance at the end of the month $2155.73 Donations are up. The Cavalry event has been paid in full. Zoom account paid. Balance as of September 11 is $1945.32
Web Administrator- Scott A. not in attendance
Valerie V., a member of the Hendersonville Group has offered to stand as alternate web administrator. She has 25 years sober and 17 years of service as web administrator and other service positions in Hawaii AA. She will work with Scott A. and take over the position when Scott’s term has ended. Motion to accept Valerie as alternate web administrator was seconded and all were in favor. Welcome, Valerie.
Dave L.- Central Office
The status of the central office remains as it has in the recent months. Office is not open for people to come in, however books , literature and medallions are available for pick up outside the office or by mail.
Lots of information about events and other information is available on the website.
There is still a need for a Spanish speaking person for the hotline.
Elections are in November for service positions for the Central Office.
Linda Jo.-CPC
Linda Jo has given information packets to Thrive, an organization for helping homeless people.
St. John’s in the Wilderness will host a presentation on AA by Stephanie and Dale on September 19th at 10:00 am.
Cathy K- PI
Cathy had to step down from her position. She has books, literature and holders to pass on to the next PI service member. The position is now open.
Stephanie- Treatment Chairperson
They have not been able to communicate with area hospitals about treatment concerns due to the hospitals being very busy with the Covid variant outbreaks.
It is ok to bring Big Books to Pardee detox, but new books are preferred.
GSR Reports;
No new items from the GSR’s due to time constraints. Meeting times for all groups are available on the district 71 website.
Old Business:
Job descriptions for all service positions will be posted soon. Need positions filled for Corrections, Grapevine, and Events
Next District meeting will be on Zoom October 9 at 9:30 am
Meeting closed with the Responsibility Statement at 10:40