District 71 Business Meeting

                                                       January 14, 2023 9:30 AM EST


In Attendance:







John O.


Mary Jo





DCM: Liz

Morning prayer 9:30 am at Hendersonville Group Willow Rd. Liz would like to ask the GSR’s what they need from the district for their groups. There is a new GSO address for groups that send donations; GSO, Box 2407; James A. Farley Station, New York, NY 10116-2402. Julie, the area delegate is to send out reports to all districts. We will adopt the Robert’s Rules moving forward. Service rally discussion was tabled.

Alternate DCM: Annette

Minority opinion- getting a chance to share ( only one person at a time and only the minority)

Highlights of Robert’s Rule of order, with complete the rules available on the web site.

1.      General Rules of Debate: (These are agreed to at the beginning of each Committee/Assembly)

2.       People who wish to speak line up at the microphones and are called on in order.

3.       Each person may speak for two minutes.

4.      No speaker may speak for a second time on a topic until all who wish to speak have spoken for

5.      the first time.

6.       Voting is by a show of hands for or against a motion.

7.      2/3 quorum to vote

8.      To table a discussion requires a motion and a second.

Secretary: Stephanie G.

Minutes from the December meeting posted on the web site. Motion to accept seconded and passed.

Treasurer: David

1.      $ 4308.00 end of the month

2.      $400.00 donations

3.      $200.00 in distributions

4.      Zoom paid $149.00 for 2023

5.      Needs detailed receipts, not just amount

Report accepted.

Web Administrator: Valerie

275 visits to the website with 5 from other countries.

Service Committee Chairs Report:

CPC: open position

December’s report read and is available on the website. Provided literature to Henderson County schools and 2 universities.

Treatment: open position

Bridging the Gap: open position

Corrections: Terri

Meet at 7:15 at Henderson County jail on Thursday’s. Rutherford jail is interested and waiting to here back from their sheriff. Freedom of Bondage Conference ( see flyer). Posted on website. Possible correction meetings on Zoom to start, further information coming.

Events: Ellen

Ideas for this year’s events; Picnic for Founder’s Day at Holmes Education Forest in Dupont Park, a panel presentation and discussion for Spanish outreach partnered with district 70. Would like suggestions for other events. There is a movie “On the Row” at Miller Hall at St. Philips Church, Brevard at 5:45pm 1/22/23. Email: libbyfisher@gmail.com to reserve.

Grapevine: Sally

No report, still learning position. Liz has some information to share.

GSR Reports:

John- GSR Men’s Group. No report

Edie- Speedbump. No GSR waiting for group conscious meeting.

John- GSR Midday Group- meeting again at 12 noon at the Methodist Church. Just beginning again, no report.

Mary Jo- GSR Hendersonville Group. Group conscious meeting Monday.

Carol- GSR Brevard Joy of Living Group. Wants to alternate attending district meeting with Edie, due to home group meeting at the same time.

Old Business:

Revote on Terri’s reimbursement request using Robert’s Rules. 7 voted to revisit issue, 3 against. Minority opinions heard and commenced to second vote with 1 in favor of reimbursement and 9 against. No reimbursement will be issued.

New Business:

Robert’s Rules for conducting business was adopted going forward. Budget items discussed with several increases posted on the web site. With the increase to corrections, a separate mailbox for corrections was discussed. We voted to share the current mailbox with corrections on a trial basis. Sending money to GSO and the area was tabled to next meeting so the treasurer has time to figure a new budget of immediate needs and upcoming expenses before disbursement. Business expenses added to item list. Budget approved with some increases and is posted on web site. Hybrid meeting was discussed and for now district meetings will be in person at Hendersonville Group on Willow Rd. District meeting time change was tabled. Regarding the issues of each coordinator having the ability to order supplies within budget without approval and whether to decrease pre conference to $100.00 since we are not hosting was not discussed due to time limitations.

Next meeting :February 11, 2023 at 9:30 AM Hendersonville Group

Close with Responsibility Statement 10:35 AM.













December 2022 Treasurer’s Report