D-71 DCM REPORT, GSR Meeting, 5/8/21 9:30AM
Warmest personal greetings to you all; Officers, Committee Chairs, GSR’s Alt. GSRs Guests…
Let me begin on a very positive note! On Monday this week, I had a phone call from Fr. Josh , Rector, St. John in the wilderness with the news that they are ready to invite all the AA groups back to meeting at St. John’s. They will also welcome our District meetings on Saturday mornings and the service Manual study the 2nd and 4th Saturdays. Over the next 2 days I spoke with the contact persons for the returning groups to find out if they want to return and if yes, the max. number of attendees. The groups returning are Early Birds at 7:30AM, Mon.-Sat., HVL Men’s group, 7:pm Tuesdays. Beginners meeting, 7pm, Monday evening and Meditation, 11th step meeting, Thursday at 7pm. lastly, there is Sober Sisters and I am still researching their group. Today, 5/6, I met with Kevin, the Churche’s Sexton and with Fr. Josh. We reviewed all of the meetings logistics, guidelines ( CDC and the Church) etc. Fr Josh will write up all the guidelines. I will go into more detail during new business. But now, I am thrilled to announce that all of the groups I named plus the district will begin in person meetings at St. john’s beginning June 1st.
Other group news, I have been invited to facilitate Sisters of Sobriety’s group inventory on April 23. This kind of service is always an honor and a privilege as I get to assist a group to collectively “look in the mirror”, truly, a group 4th step. Like our personal 4th step, groups find it to be a healthy, growing experience. For any group interested, I am happy to offer this service. If a group simply wants to know how an inventory is conducted, I can do a mini inservice at any business meeting.
On May 2nd, last Sunday, I assisted our Area 51 CPC coordinator, Jon T., with a zoom workshop. There were about 20 attending including several out of state, which was fun. Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC), a very vital AA service but one often mis-understood by our fellowship because of our traditions of Anonymity. Jon did a superb job of explaining this via a well prepared screen share on the topic. I was asked to share my CPC-PI experience especially working with Clergy. Of note, a GSO survey conducted back in 2014 with regard to referrals to AA found Referrals from Clergy to be only 1%. Highest was an AA member or Treatment facility with 32%. All of the Area service coordinators are available for workshops, panel discussions and to be speaker. All of the officers are available to speak. Food for thought as we slowly return to some sense of normalcy.
our Area assembly will be virtual in 2 weeks, 5/21-22/21. There is only one routine Agenda item that I know of and I will go over that in new business. Please make every effort to attend. While still via zoom, the price is right. The Assembly agenda is posted on our website. If you have never attended an assembly, this it the best example of how our AA service structure works.
For Liz and me our Growth and Maintenance sub-committee keeps us very busy. My personal assignment is the Area Inventory. The questions and format have been developed and are in the hands of our Area Chair for her review. At this moment, Denise is strongly considering not having the inventory at our fall assembly but rather at the 2022 Spring Assembly. I’ll have more to report when I hear back from Denise. Liz has been a bright light and talented addition to this committee as you will hear in her report.
That’s it from me until we get to new business.
respectfully submitted,
Dale L., DCM, Chair G&M Sub-Committee