Agenda, D-71 GSR Meeting, 5/8/21 @09:30

Where: Zoom Space: ID# 839 998 9177, Passcode 71

Open: Serenity Prayer

DCM Report: Dale L.

ADCM Report: Liz G.

Secretary Report: Larry L.

Treasurer Report: Eric M.

Webmaster Report: Scott A.

Service Committee reports:

CPC: Linda Jo

PI: Kathy K.

Treatment: Terry G

Bridging the Gap: Janet

CO Trustee: Dave L.

GSR Reports:

Old Business:

Open Positions: Corrections, Grapevine, Events

Area 51 Assembly, 5/21-22/21

Area 51 Surplus: any suggestions

New Business:

Vote on distribution of funds.

Future workshops

Up coming events:

Service Manual study, 2nd and 4th Saturday’s @ 10:30

5/21-22/2021 Spring Assembly, Virtual

8/20-22/2021 Summer Committee Meeting, Charlotte Airport Hilton

11/12-14/21 Fall Assembly, Lake Junaluska

11/19-21/21 SSAASA, Tampa Fl.

Close: Responsibility Statement

Next Meeting: 6/12/21


D-71 DCM REPORT, GSR Meeting, 5/8/21 9:30AM


District 71 - Rep. Treatment - (Terry G.)