D-71 DCM Report, GSR Meeting, 7/10/21

My warmest welcome to all! Following a lively discussion on moving forward regarding our GSR meetings last month, our group conscience voted to meet quarterly at St. John in the Wilderness and meet via zoom the remaining months. Thus, this morning and next month we are virtual with our September meeting, live, at St. Johns. I am bringing this up again as I had the opportunity to share our group conscience decision at the Area level just last week. Our area Chair, Denise M., sent an email to her Service Coordinators and Sub-committee Chairs asking for feed back on the future of the Area Zoom account. After sharing our experience, I heard back from several agreeing with the solution we came up with and one Sub-committee chair is actually crafting an agenda item proposing that the Area keep the Zoom account. We set an example, so thank you!!

I attended a speaker meeting hosted by D-34 where our delegate, Rainer, was the speaker. Rainer spoke for about 20-30 minutes on the 71st General Service Conference. The final 20 minutes Rainer spent answering questions mostly on our AA literature and changes…rumor or fact? Rainer had some tough ones but answered without hesitation and even how he voted and why. It was a well spent, informative and impressive hour.

Liz and I have been looking into hosting an event in the near future. Borrowing from D-34, I sent an invitation to our Delegate, Rainer and Alt. Delegate, Julie to come to the mountains and join us for fellowship, food, to be our guest speakers as well as being willing to answer questions. That same evening I heard back from both of them with enthusiastic yeses. We’re looking at the weekend of September 18th or 19th. If you are all in agreement, we’ll plan the theme, food, time etc. Possibly there is an “event chair” here this morning?

Our Growth and Maintenance (G&M) Sub-committee continues to keep liz and me hopping!! Liz will update you in her report.

The Area Summer Committee meeting is next month…one week after our August district meeting. At this moment there are 7 agenda items to be presented to the committee. (That list can still grow). I will review these with you under new business.

We have a busy agenda this am so that’s all from me until we get to new business.

Respectfully submitted,

With AA love, Service and Prayers,

Dale L., DCM D-71; Chair Area 51 “Growth and Maintenance”


District 71 Treatment Committee Report


Agenda, D-71 GSR Meeting, 7/10/21 @ 9:30 AM