D-71 GSR MEETING AGENDA, OCTOBER 10, 2020 9:30-10:30 AM
Open: Serenity Prayer
DCM Report: Dale L.
ADCM Report: Liz G.
Secretary Report: Kathryn…approval of September minutes.
Treasurer Report: Buzz H…approval
Webmaster Report: Scott A.
Committee Reports:
CPC: Linda Jo
PI: Kathy
CO Trustee: Dave L.
Treatment: open…Bridging the Gap (Dale and Liz till positions filled)
Corrections: Open
Grapevine: Open
Events: open
GSR Reports
Old Business: Assembly Agenda Items
New Business: Phase 2 of transitioning toFace to Face
Fall Assembly: October 31st, November 1st (Flyer will be on website with log in information)
Note: D-71 Service Manual Study, 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 10;30 to 11:30 AM
Next meeting, November 14th
Close with “The Responsibility Statement”