DCM REPORT D-71 GSR MEETING OCTOBER 10, 2020 9:30-10:30 AM
As always, my thoughts and prayers are with all of you for your health, safety and wellbeing as we continue to navigate through what, at times, feels like “the unending” pandemic. Though NC state in opening up in small controlled increments, we as a district will continue to meet via Zoom till the end of the year. We will reevaluate in December regarding face to face meetings beginning January 2021.
I need to remind everyone that in the A.A. spirit of rotation, both Kathryn and Buzz’s two year terms as Secretary and Treasurer come to an end this year. We will be voting to fill those positions at our November GSR meeting. With the launch of our website this year there will be some additional tech knowledge (or willingness to learn) required for each position. I will tweak the current job descriptions to reflect those changes and present them to you at our meeting on Saturday morning.
I hope you have all shared the upcoming agenda items to be voted on at the virtual Fall Assembly on October 31st and November 1st. WE will discuss them during the Old Business section on our agenda. As your DCM, I need your feedback so I can carry your voice to the Assembly and vote the conscience of District 71. For those of you and your home group members who normally do not go to Assemblies due to cost or travel distance etc…here is an amazing opportunity for our whole D-71 fellowship to log on and attend/participate in the Assembly. As an added bonus, this one in as election assembly and a beautiful process to witness. I’ll go into more detail on Saturday.
Our Area 51 offered a workshop, Phase 2 of “Virtual Space to Face to Face”. It was last Sunday from 2 to 4. This workshop focused on transitioning to face to face while following our A.A. Traditions. How to maintain unity and adhere to traditions: Autonomy, Public Controversy, Anonymity, Etc. It was powerful!! On Monday night I had the opportunity to share much on this fresh new knowledge at my Home Group’s business meeting as they begin the process of meeting again inside the church. I’ll go into more detail later as we discuss new business. Anyone in D-71 reading this, if unable to join us for the GSR meeting, and want more information from this workshop, don’t hesitate to call me, 828-243-2832, or contact me via the contact link on our website, nc71.org.
Please make every effort to attend Saturday AM. I look forward to seeing you all!
Stay safe and healthy!
Respectfully submitted,
Dale L. DCM D-71