D71 October Minutes

District 71 Zoom Meeting Minutes, October 10, 2020

Dale L., DCM, opened the meeting at 9:34 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer; 9 participants. Service Manual review will follow after short break.
Reports Please refer to DCM, ADCM reports on website for complete information. DCM Fall Election Assembly, Halloween weekend! Virtual, please give Dale your group’s input before Oct. 29. Phone: 828-243-2832. Treasurer and Secretary positions - time to rotate out; elections next month. • Full report from Katy P., our Delegate, on aanorthcarolina.org, in the Delegates Corner. o Our Service Manual review continues on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 10 a.m., in our Zoom meeting space, # 839-998-9177.
ADCM Liz G. had nothing else to report this month.
SECY Kathryn H-F, reviewed secretary procedure for posting minutes to D71 site. Dale L. motioned to accept September minutes, seconded by Liz G.; all in favor. At this time, there is a “disconnect” with new GSR, AGSR information being added to our master list because we’re not meeting as we did in the past when changes were put directly on the list. Liz G. will make sure the Sec. is updated on changes.
Treasurer Buzz H. - reported income of $36.20, no expenses. Closing check book balance was $1507.14. Motion for Treas. report accepted by Annette K.; seconded by Larry L., all in favor. Buzz and Scott will work together on procedures for the PayPal account.
Webmaster - Scott reported that activity to-date is at 1140 visits! Online meetings, about 45 a week, face-to-face about 30 available. Please note the Meeting Change Form that can be used to provide necessary details on the alternate sites that some groups are arranging. Password for our space: 71, for main site: thinknot.
We also want to make MailChimp more effective. Discussed the “other” meeting app (shown as a folding chair in circle), see if it is accurate compared to the NC71 site.
CPC Linda Jo S. - No report this month. PI Kathy K. - No report this month. Corrections - open / Events - open / Treatment - open
Central Office Trustee - David L. Central Office needs include: 12-Step Call Coordinator. May donate again to GSO, will discuss then. The treasury is “in the black,” good news. Next meeting in November. To order books, etc. you can call the office, place your order and pay for it when picked up outside the office door. Mountain Doings newsletter can always use articles, news.
Grapevine open - Ordering information: 800-631-6025 and www.aagrapevine.org.
GSR REPORTS Annette K. reported that Big Town group is doing well meeting “live” again. Mon. and Thursday, 7 p.m. Assembly questions discussed and feedback reported. Larry reported on Hendersonville group - all OK, online meeting getting smaller, will discuss at their next business meeting. Kathryn HF reported that their temporary meeting place dropped its insurance requirement. Ellen O. reported on Cedar Mtn. group, meeting Tues, Thurs. (Open) and Sunday (Closed) at the Community Center. Generally, online attendance is decreasing slightly. Happy Hour Group, still in Berkely Park but looking for indoor location. Tues/Thurs 5:30
Old Business 1. The Fall Assembly agenda and the questions were reviewed. Please try and attend the online virtual meeting. Everything you need is on our website.
New Business 1. What about “invitation only” meetings? Discussion on topic; sense of the meeting was that these will always be popping up, have actually been part of A.A. practice long before COVID. A meeting is not the same as a group. 2. As the State moves forward with allowing larger gatherings, all groups need to be aware of our conduct at meeting places with respect to keeping everyone safe. Whatever policies that our meeting places adopt should be accepted and followed. A.A. members don’t need to be the blame for any problems - part of common welfare?
Close with Responsibility Statement at 10:35 a.m., followed shortly by the regular Service Manual review session. Respectfully submitted, Kathryn HF, 10/21/2020


AGENDA, D-71 GSR MEETING SATURDAY, 11/14/20 @ 9:30 AM ZOOM SPACE ID#839 998 9177 PW: 71


Webmaster Report Oct 10, 2020