AGENDA, D-71 GSR MEETING SATURDAY, 11/14/20 @ 9:30 AM ZOOM SPACE ID#839 998 9177 PW: 71
Open: with the Serenity Prayer
DCM Report: Dale L., Assembly Report
ADCM Report: Liz G.
Secretary Report: Kathryn
Approval, 10/20 minutes
Treasurer’s Report: Buzz H.
Approval of report
Present and approve 2021 Budget
Webmaster’s Report: Scott A.
Committee Reports:
CPC: Linda Jo
PI: Kathy K.
Central Office Trustee: Dave L.
Treatment/Bridging the Gap/Pardee Detox: open positions, Dale to comment.
Corrections, Events, Grapevine: all open positions
GSRs: Announcements/reports/comment.
(How are face to face meetings going?)
Old Business:
New business:
1. Redistricting, D-15 going dark with Rutherford County joining D-71. Cleveland County Joins D-13. Impact!
2. Relocation of our district meetings to better Accommodate Polk and Rutherford Counties.
3. Nominations and elections of Treasurer and Secretary.
next meeting: January 9, 2021…Zoom or live, TBD
Close: Responsibility Statement