Greetings Officers, Committee Chairs, GSRs, Alt GSRs and interested A.A. members. Hard to believe this is our final GSR meeting. for 2020. And…what an unprecedented year it has been. I pray you all are safe and healthy and as some meetings are opening up, that those of you attending are being smart and responsible. If any of you are having issues re-opening or as an attendee, please don’t hesitate to reach out for guidance. Having participated in both phases of the seminal “Virtual space to Face to face, I feel confident as a resource along with many from the Area and o willing to help. I am willing to attend any business meetings to assist and help in any way.
Since our last meeting, I was contacted by the DCM of D-15. For far too long he has had such poor participation that he has no other choice but to re-district. He only has a few registered groups, one GSR and some scattered A.A. members interested in service. D-15 covers 2 counties and Rutherford County will join D-71 while Cleveland County joins D-13 which is closer to Charlotte. Given the time for the paper work to process, I expect this change to be in effect by January 1st. While we all hate to see a district go “dark”, I applaud Rick, as his term ends as DCM, for making sure that any group or individual interested in service will have the opportunity to do so. Rick W. will be joining us as well and I know you will join me in welcoming him to D-71.
I attended our Virtual Election Assembly 10/30-11/1. Area 51’s Zoom Team needs the highest praise ever for running a flawless nAssembly. Especially on Saturday from 11 to 6. All of the 8 Agenda items were voted on, all of the new officers elected along with many reports. It was amazing! Looks like we have an awesome team of officers to lead us in 2021-2022.
With our congratulations, they are: Delegate, Rainer L., Alt Delegate, Julie R., Chair, Denise M., Alt Chair, Clayborne T., Secretary, Beth R., Treasurer Stevie D., Registrar, Greg K.
Agenda item #2., Jennifer D. is our Nominee for Southeast Regional Trustee.
Agenda Item #3, the 33rd Freedom from Bondage Corrections Conference will be held at The Hampton Inn and Suites, Aberdeen, NC on March 12-14, 2021.
Agenda Item #4, That Area 51 request GSC to allow participation of Virtual groups not affiliated with registered groups …to create a 94th area to our service structure. Here was an example of A.A.’s group conscience at its best!! For almost 2 hours there was discussion, calling the question, voting on that, voting on the item, reversing a vote, more discussion, a final vote. It did pass,
#5, increase the Budget fir the Website. passed.
#6, Adding “one day at a time” to the 5 GV slogans passed without issue.
#7, That the Area conduct an Inventory passed unanimously!
#8, The 2021 Budget passed as well.
The full Assembly report will be posted soon on Area 51’s website, All of the reports reflect all expenses down due to no travel, no presentations. There is a significant decrease in donations. But, with one month to go, we remain financially flush. this is good news. GSO, however is still hurting so any help will be greatly appreciated.
Each officer rotating out had an opportunity to share their heartfelt thoughts and gratitude. Per tradition, on Sunday AM Rainer, our Delegate elect, shared his story. Oh! my goodness, pulled my heart strings, a powerful message! I promise to bring Rainer to the mountains for all oof you to hear what I heard…A true gift.
We have a full agenda this am so I’llm save the rest for New Business. Not listed on our agenda are the pre-conference and our end of year donations. Don’t let me forget those.
Please make every effort to join us Saturday am at 9:30.
Above all…stay healthy and safe!!!
Respectfully Submitted,
Dale L., DCM D-71