D71 Zoom Meeting, May 2020 Minutes (Amended)

 District 71 Zoom Meeting Minutes, May 9, 2020: As amended following 6/13/20 Meeting 

Dale L., DCM, opened the meeting at 9:35 a.m. with the Serenity Prayer. Fifteen participants. 


DCM Dale recapped her report previously sent; thanks to host for our meeting today. Our dedicated conference number is: 839 998 9177. 

Very few groups are able to set up online contributing so be sure to send money when you can to the District and Area, GSO. 

Topic: Quorum at our District meeting 

Issue: With the uncertainty of GSRs and others having ability to access our meeting virtually, the determination of a quorum may require a change. 

Scott A. made a motion that from this meeting forward, those officers and GSRs present will constitute a quorum. In the absence of a GSR, the Alternate GSR may vote. If both are absent, then a member representing their group may vote. 

Motion seconded by Chris K.; discussed; all in favor. 

Current Needs of D-71 Leadership 

1. We will need to set up certain things in order to move ahead with recent decisions (April meeting) and current actions, e.g., Debit Card, Checking account, mailing address other than P.O.Box. Sense of the meeting is to proceed. 

2. Dale and Buzz will work on setting up these things for D-71. 

ADCM Scott A. has offered to serve as Acting ADCM. (see new Business) 

SECY Kathryn H-F, no report. April minutes accepted. 

Treasurer Buzz H. - No expenses; some donations received including $260 for Corrections. Checkbook balance approx. $1,500 - 1,600. Treas. report accepted, all in favor. 

CPC Linda S. - received new literature catalog, note prices lowered. 

PI Kathy K. - Ready with pamphlets just prior to the “shut down.” We are very well-stocked and ready to move ahead. 

Central Office Representative - Terry G. expressed interest in leadership. Scott A. motioned to accept, Kathryn HF seconded; all in favor. 

Treatment - open - Liz G. will try to help Pardee with setting up a Zoom meeting in the detox; will contact them on Monday. Lynn W. will help out where she can. 

Corrections : open 

Central Office still open? 

Grapevine open - Ordering information: 800-631-6025 and www.aagrapevine.org. 

Old Business 

Service positions available - Grapevine, Bridging the Gap, Events. 

New Business 

1. Logistics of more electronic communication/business: 

a. we have purchased Domain name of NC71.org at yearly cost of $20. 

b. Can proceed with building website; DCM and Secretary will assist with review of entered information regarding the Groups. 

c. After discussion voted to allot $216 annually for a website that allows “contribution” of content within whatever parameters we set (e.g., password). Groups can share the cost? Scott has offered to build the site but administration will have to be arranged. Email address will be: DCM@NC71.org. 

Lynn W. made a motion to accept this choice, Liz G. seconded, all in favor. Kathryn HF will record Scott’s offer as an “in-kind” contribution as a donation in our records. 

2. Groups having money for Corrections or other donations - it is OK to forward this in check form to Buzz H. for deposit. Send to: D-71 Treasurer, 1311 Pace Road, Hendersonville, NC 28792. 

3. Carol S., John K. reported on a scheduled meeting July 18th (workshop? social? - sorry, lost a part of minutes! khf) 

Close with Responsibility Statement at 10:36 a.m. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Kathryn HF, 6/13/2020 // Corrected 6/13/2020 p.m., khf 


Agenda items for the July 11-12, 2020, virtual Assembly.


D71 Zoom Meeting, May 2020 Minutes