Agenda items for the July 11-12, 2020, virtual Assembly.
AGENDA ITEM #1: To approve the Chair’s appointment of Elizabeth P. of Raleigh
as Area 51 Convention Chair for the period 2021 – 2022.
Background Information: The Area 51 Convention Chair for the period 2021-2022 serves by
the appointment of the Area Chairperson and approval of the Area Assembly. The appointment is
made during the spring of the preceding year to allow the incoming Convention Chair to observe
the planning, conducting and reporting of the N.C. State Convention by the current Convention
Chair and the Convention Committee. The job description of the Area 51 Convention Chair
includes the following:
• Previous experience as a DCM is not required, although some general service experience is
• Has a voice and a vote in Area Committee and Assembly proceedings, but not eligible to
stand for area office unless a past DCM;
• Under the general guidance and as a member of the Area 51 General Service Committee,
plans, organizes and conducts the annual N.C. State Convention;
• Conducts all convention plans in accordance with GSO-documented guidelines for
conferences and conventions, A.A.’s Twelve Traditions;
• Selects a Convention Committee to work with the Convention Chair and Convention
Alternate Chair in planning and conducting the Convention;
• Responsible to the Area 51 Committee and Assembly for keeping operating expenses in
line with the fiscal objective that the Convention be paid for out of registration fees of
attendees and, if needed, from the approved prudent reserve in the Area 51 treasury;
• Responsible for the Convention checking account and for overseeing the collection of
registration fees and payment of convention expenses;
• Prepares written financial reports, accounting fully and precisely to the Area 51 Committee
and Assembly on the use of Convention funds;
Elizabeth currently serves as the Alternate Chair on the State Convention Committee. She has
served on the Kanuga Lake Round Up Steering Committee since 2009, and the Tar Heel Mid-
Winter Board of Directors since 2011. She recently served on the SSAASA V Host Committee.
She has previously served as Area 51 Grapevine Coordinator, Literature Coordinator and Area 51
Treasurer. Elizabeth is a former Alternate DCM and DCM for District 35.
AGENDA ITEM #2: To approve the Chair’s appointment of Alana E. of Durham,
N.C. as Area 51 Convention Alternate Chair for the period 2021 – 2022.
Background Information: The Area 51 Convention Alternate Chair for the period 2021-2022
serves by the appointment of the Area Chairperson and approval of the Area Assembly. The
appointment is made during the spring of the preceding year to allow the incoming Convention
Alternate Chair to observe the role of the Convention Alternate Chair in the planning, conducting
and reporting of the N.C. State Convention. The job description of the Area 51 Convention
Alternate Chair includes the following:
• Previous experience as a DCM is not required, although some general service experience is
• Has a voice but no vote in Area Committee and Assembly proceedings and is not eligible to
stand for area office;
• Maintains readiness to fill in for the Convention Chair should the Convention Chair be
unable to serve at required functions;
• Assists the Convention Chair with duties as requested; and
• Serves on the Convention Committee to work with the Convention Chair in planning and
conducting the Convention.
Alana currently serves on the State Convention Committee as Registrar. Alana is a former GSR,
Alternate DCM and currently the DCM for District 32, she also has served as the Hotline
coordinator for District 32.
AGENDA ITEM #3: To approve the Chair’s appointment of Marty M. of Lenoir,
N.C. as the Area 51 Treatment Facilities Coordinator for the remainder of the 2019-
2020 term.
Background Information: On January 27, 2020, Katy F. submitted her resignation, effective
immediately, as Area 51 Treatment Facilities Coordinator. In order to provide for the
continuation of services and an efficient transition, on January 28, 2020 the Chair reviewed the
resumes from the 2018 Fall Election Assembly and reached out to Marty M., who had submitted
a resume for the position of Treatment Facilities Coordinator. On January 30, 2020 Marty
confirmed that he is willing and able to complete the term and the Chair appointed Marty M. as
acting Treatment Facilities Coordinator effective immediately. This position is appointed by the
Area Chairperson with the approval of the Area Assembly to complete the 2019-2020 term. The
primary selection criteria are a demonstrated enthusiasm and experience in the particular service
area, along with the ability to identify and access qualified resource people across North Carolina.
Marty M. served as GSR, Alt DCM and DCM for District 12 and has also served as Grapevine
Coordinator for District 12.
AGENDA ITEM #4: The Area 51 2017-2018 Budget Surplus of $18,427 be allocated
to the CPC/PI Coordinator for leasing outdoor billboards.
Background Information: The Budget and Finance subcommittee received eighteen
suggestions for use of the surplus funds. After reviewing and discussion the submitted ideas, the
suggestion for statewide billboards was deemed most effective at bringing awareness about
Alcoholics Anonymous to the general public. It was approved without objection by the Budget
and Finance subcommittee that all funds will be used in 2020 to lease space on outdoor billboards
throughout Area 51. The current proposal from Lamar Advertising includes leasing
approximately twenty-four billboards for a guaranteed thirty days. If space is not leased, our
GSO approved message will remain indefinitely.
Additional Information: Lamar Advertising proposal is available on Area 51 website.