The new digital process and where it stands
With our DCM, Dale’s full endorsement the time is now to get you all involved and participating.
We have been thrust into the digital age by circumstances not of our choosing and that is a good thing. Those a bit younger than most of us would say it’s about time!
We now have a Zoom account where we are able to continue our GSR Meetings. This “room” is also available to Officers, GSR’s and Alt GSR’s to use for any AA related work. Most of you know by now how to join and participate in Zoom meetings. If you need to conduct a meeting, you will have to learn how to create and host a meeting. It is very useful and not difficult to learn how to do. (More on this later).
We now have a website. As of today, over 300 people have used the website around 2000 times. That is a great thing. While I am here to help, teach, and add information to the site, each officer will need to learn how to add their reports and communications to the D71 GSR Minutes, Reports and Communications page. This is the permanent record of all District 71 business. This page is password protected and the password is thinknot. It is very useful and not difficult to learn how to do. (More on this later).
We now have a MailChimp account. This is a great way to email everyone on our list when you need to communicate or get information to everyone. It has many benefits. One benefit is that everyones email is not visible to all receiving the email. Another is we are able to understand who is actually receiving their emails and who is actually opening them. This will help us to better understand how to get information to everyone. It is very useful and not difficult to learn how to do. (More on this later).
This new way of doing our work, as Trusted Servants, will prove to be better, faster and more proficient; allowing us to achieve our Primary Purpose in a greater way.
All the companies that are supplying our services, (Zoom, Squarespace, and MailChimp) have excellent tutorials that are easily found by searching their sites or YouTube. I am here to explain in detail what is required of each officer to get their information where it needs be and to help teach you how to get it there.
I would like to stress again that I am here to help or teach anyone willing or seeking to learn our new system and what is required for it to work properly.
For District 71 to grow and provide our purpose to Home Groups, Area 51, World Service, and all alcoholics, we will need everyones participation. This will take effort from everyone to learn and do their part. My hope is that all this technology, when mastered, will bring us closer together and allow us to better communicate honestly and effectively in order to do our best.
If you have questions I am available.
In Service,
District 71 Webmaster - Scott A.