DCM Report


It is my sincere hope that you all are healthy, safe and navigating these most challenging times as well as possible. Personally, I thank my Higher Power daily for the tools of AA, especially “one day at a time”, “live in the moment” and how about…”let go and let God”. How fortunate we are to have this template for life that AA has given us to “handle” these unprecedented times.

When all this began, I had no idea that we would still be meeting virtually 3 months later. But, here we are preparing for our 3rd GSR-District meeting via Zoom on Saturday, June 13th at 9:30. We actually do have some very important business to take care of and I ask each of you to make every effort to attend.

Our Zoom Room will be open by 9:15 AM on Saturday, 6/13/20. District 71 ID # 839 998 9177 (no password required).

Because of all of the restrictions caused by Covid-19, our AA services requiring personal contact have been sadly curtailed. However, on another front, our district has been growing by leaps and bounds. Scott A has been guiding me through Zoom 101 and more exciting than that…Website 101. Since we met last month, our Website is up and fully functioning. I hope many of you have checked it out. I am so proud of what Scott has created for us and especially how easy it is to navigate. (I am actually writing this report, by myself, on our website.) This is a huge step for us into this tech world where we’re all now living. Communication via “Contact” on our site will be so easy for you all. Just write your e’mail and send to DCM, ADCM, Secretary or Treasurer and your message will come directly into our personal emails. At our meeting Scott will report in full on our website’s use and benefits and of course respond to any questions/comments.

With the launch of our Website, we will need to vote on adding a new trusted servant position to District 71…a Webmaster. This will be a first order of business, followed by voting in a Webmaster. We will then vote on forming a website committee where there will be opportunities for GSRs and group members, with tech skills, to volunteer and assist the Webmaster.

The next vital order of business: election of our Alt DCM. I’m thrilled to have one member willing to stand but of course the position is open and I welcome anyone else willing to stand. We continue to have open service positions which I’ll address as we go through the agenda.

initially, setting up the Zoom account and the Website, we had to use personal bank accounts and home addresses. Buzz and I have succeeded in transferring everything into District 71’s name and have purchased a District 71 PO Box address. From now on, any group donations or other group written communication, needs to be mailed to:

District 71, PO Box 202, Hendersonville, NC 28793

I can’t stress enough how important it is for you all to join us Saturday morning. your input on all the progress we’re making thus far and your votes are needed.

Thanking all of you in advance,

With AA Love and Prayers,

Dale L. DCM




Memo to: D-71 Officers, Chairs, GSRs, ALT GSRs, Bill W., DCM-70, David Mc., DCM-80 and Ray at NCMCO