Memo to: D-71 Officers, Chairs, GSRs, ALT GSRs, Bill W., DCM-70, David Mc., DCM-80 and Ray at NCMCO


From: Dale L., DCM D-71

Dale: May 21, 2020

I am beyond thrilled to announce the official launch of D-71’s Website. Scott A., GSR. H’ville’s Mens Group and acting ADCM, D-71 has been working tirelessly setting it up since our May 9th GSR meeting.

I know you all join me with heartfelt thanks to Scott not only for his creative genius but also, putting this together in such record time. 

Though Scott is still building and tweaking, the menu functions to date are ready to use. Very simply, here’s what you do;

1. Website address: and start looking.

2. When you get to Business and Minutes…this section is for members only and a password is required.

    PW…thinknot, all lower case.

3. Under contacts, it’s set up for your 4 officers to receive emails at this point. If we have missed an on-line meeting or if any of your meeting information is incorrect, don’t hesitate to email Scott using the contact site.

This is not only exciting but an important step for D-71 to move forward into this digital time. 

Please share with your group members, enjoy browsing and we welcome your feedback.

In AA love and service,



DCM Report


DCM Report - May 9, 2020