DCM Report, GSR Meeting 11/6/21@0930

Let me begin by thanking Liz for stepping up and chairing this meeting last month with literally, only a last minute heads up. I started preparing for the meeting that first week post-op (my left hip replacement) and what was I thinking? Medication had me in and out of “La La Land”. You did not want to see or hear me. When we meet this Saturday, I’ll be 5 weeks post-op and your “sober bionic trusted servant”! With the addition of this latest surgery I am now equipped with a titanium lower back, 2 new hips and feel like I could fly!! So here we go…

We have just 2 more meetings in 2021 with some major business to address and decisions to make.

Next week is our Fall Assembly and for the first time ever it is being held in WNC, at The Conference Center at Lake Junaluska. The Assembly Business meetings are always open meetings and all A.A. members are welcome. The weekend agenda is posted on our website. The link is on the home page…just click Fall Assembly (I’ll ask Scott to show you all). If you have never been to an assembly, here is your opportunity. I know that from Hendersonville it’s just a one hour drive. I’ll go into more detail as we look at the weekend schedule together.

Please come prepared on Saturday with your groups responses to the agenda items. I need those so I can cary your vote, not mine. I am your trusted servant. We also need your ideas for spending the surplus money so it is used in Area 51 to cary our message to the still suffering alcoholic. If the fellowship doesn’t respond, then the money goes to GSO.

It’s election time for D-71. The key positions to be voted on at our December meeting are your DCM, ADCM and Webmaster. We have been sorely lacking in members willing to stand for service positions, particularly our services; Treatment, Corrections, Grapevine and events. I trust the GSRs are sharing our needs with your groups.

As we have often reported to you all, Liz and I have been assigned to probably the busiest Area Sub-Committee called Growth and Maintenance. Liz’s baby is the P-3 manual. For me it’s been the Area Inventory. This will take place at the 2022 Spring Assembly. However, next weekend the completed cover sheet and inventory questions will be one of the handouts. EVERY member of AA in Area 51 (NC) will have the opportunity to participate, answer the questions and return your responses one of 3 ways, via the area website (which will go live right after the assembly next weekend), by email or snail mail. This is the first time this opportunity has been offered to encourage the widest possible participation. Of course the first choice would be to attend the inventory at the 2022 Spring Assembly.

Finally, we will present the 2022 Budget for your approval at our December meeting.

That’s all I have for now. I look forward to seeing all of you via Zoom on Saturday!

In AA Love an Service,

Respectfully submitted,

Dale L. DCM D-71; Chair, Area 51 Growth and Maintenance Subcommittee.


Treatment Committee Report


Agenda, District 71 GSR Meeting, 11/6/21 @0930