Agenda, District 71 GSR Meeting, 11/6/21 @0930

Where: Via ZOOM, ID# 830 998 9177

Passcode 71

Open: Serenity Prayer

DCM Report: Dale L. (will cover Assembly Agenda items and Surplus money recommendations for use within Area 51 to carry the AA message.) Upcoming elections!!

ADCM Report: Liz G. (Final update on D-71, 2021 registration sheets for Groups, GSRs, and AGSRs. They will be handed to the area registrar next week at the Fall Assembly.)

Secretary Report: Larry L. Be sure to read the minutes from 10/9 which have been posted on our website since 10/11. Vote to approve the minutes.

Treasurer Report: Vote to approve the report.

Discuss donation to St. John’s

Webmaster Report: Scott A.

CO Trustee: David L.

Service Committee Chairs Reports:

CPC-PI: Linda Jo

Treatment/Bridging the Gap: Stephanie

GSR Reports:

Old Business: Open positions include: Treatment, Corrections, Grapevine, Events.

New Business: New D-71 Trusted Servant annual rotation calandar.

12/11/21 Elections to be held at St John’s in person meeting, 12/11/21

Positions, DCM, ADCM, Webmaster and open service positions.

Future Events: 11/12-14/21, Fall Assembly at Lake Junaluska

11/19-21/21 will be Virtual (see flyer on our website).

Close: Responsibility Statement


DCM Report, GSR Meeting 11/6/21@0930


District 71 meeting minutes